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Riot has made it pointless to reform for players who change region

Riot’s server transfer system has always had its issues. If you were silver in one server, transferred to another for 5 years and hit plat and transferred back to your first server, you would be placed back in silver. For players like me who live in Europe but who’s family live in a different continent, it is difficult for me to enjoy the game for the two-three months a year that I am in a different continent. My options are to borrow a friend’s account (against the rules), buy a lot of RP to transfer but my rank and honour won’t transfer, or to make a new account where I’m 100% sure I won’t buy any skins and where my champion pool is really limited (I finally got all champs this year after playing from season 2).

So last year I got chat restricted in Europe and my honour level dropped. It was my fault, I called someone a dumbass and although I get told much worse things I was still flaming. Shortly after, I transferred back to Latin America as I was there for a year and I was chat restricted for flaming a troll. Yes, I was chat restricted twice in like two weeks, 100% my own fault. However, when clash was announced (lol) I decided I really wanted to take part and reformed my behaviour. Stopped flaming, started muting, and just played the game as I always did (I have never afk’d on purpose, rage quit, or trolled since starting to play in season 2). My honour rose back to 2 and I was finally ready for clash, obviously never happened.

Now I have started my studies back in Europe and I have re-transferred my account only to find that my honour is at 0 from before I moved to Latin America. I emailed Riot Support and they explained that honour doesn’t carry over and that my only option was to move back to Latin America to get the end of season rewards. I can’t play in Latin America anymore due to ping, I’ve already spent the RP to transfer to Europe, and I have friends here I haven’t played with in a year who I want to play with. This also creates a massive loophole where players who are toxic can also transfer to servers where they are not honour 0, play a few ranked games, and get end of season rewards even if they are actually honour 0 on their main server, because Riot doesn’t transfer honour between servers.

Tl;dr got chat restricted, changed servers, regained my honour, changed back to my original server and my honour is still 0. I explained in an email to Riot that I’m starting my PhD and won’t have time to raise my honour, and was told my only option was to give Riot more money and transfer my account back to get end of season rewards, making reforming entirely pointless for players who change servers, and a plausible option for toxic players to get rewards by transferring their accounts to other servers.

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