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Since the recent nerfs, Yorick has lost over 20% of his player-base while still dominating the low

Thanks to the nerfs, a few things resulted:

  1. Yorick's overall playrate fell from 4.8% to 3.9% in all elo ranges, and from 3.6% to 2.8% in platinum and above. He effectively lost over 21% of his player-base thanks to the nerfs, and a large amount of that resides in the high elo Yorick players. In elo ranges above diamond, he lost 30% of his player-base.

  2. Despite the above effects, Yorick is still the highest winrate top laner in both bronze and silver games,followed closely behind by Garen. Both of these champions were nerfed last patch to dethrone them from their position as overly strong champions in low elo. Here is the Lolalytics page showing he is top 2 winrates, often trading places with Garen daily.

  3. Yorick Jungle is effectively dead. A while ago I posted my Jungle Yorick guide to the subreddit, and thanks to the recent nerfs, it's pretty gone. Losing the damage on the Mist Walkers ruined any potential to be a play-maker at level 6-7 as well as throughout the entire early game.

Minor Changes:

  1. Yorick's winrate has fallen over 1% where it currently sits at 50.41% (Another OP.GG Sourcein Platinum and above elo ranges. His winrate has also fallen 14 positions on OP.GG.

A large portion of High elo Yorick players have now either hung up their shovels and have quit playing Yorick for the time being or are not playing him as much anymore. It was hard enough to outperform your opponent bruiser in the top lane last patch, but after the nerfs, top yorick feels helpless throughout the laning phase.

It feels like he has had a complete identity change from being a minion necromancer that could look for opportunities to throw Mist Walkers at your opponent during the laning phase (levels 3-9) to get some sort of lane advantage, and now he is more like Nasus where you sit back and farm and wait for your opponent to misplay, get ganked or leave lane so you can finally pressure something.

The purpose of this post is to point out the loss of playerbase alongside his low elo winrates. If more nerfs occur, i'm concerned how many more players will give up playing Yorick.

I have removed an incorrect information source as pointed out by a commentor below, apologies for that.

Going to link the two previously discussed Yorick posts on this subreddit for those who haven't seen them, both include ideas and general thoughts of potential fixes.

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