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How Riot could make Kayn skins

While watching tv way late at night I had a genius idea on how Riot could make Kayn skins and some ideas for skins.

Now that the league has a universe and lore and began to give skins there own seprate lore we know that some skin lines have enemies from other skin lines.


  • Kaiju(Crabgot) vs. Mecha Skin line

  • Resistance vs. BattleCast

  • Order vs. Chaos

  • Programs vs. PROJECT

So my idea was give Kayn's base form a mixture of 2 and then have one transformation for each side. Like, for MECHA kayn they could have his assassin half be like a MECHA assassin like rengar, while if you go Rhaast you become a kaiju like Crabgot.

Some other examples of skins like this:

  • Battlecast Rhaast/Resistance Shadow Assassin

  • Infernal Rhaast/Frozen Shadow Assassin (Fire v Ice)

  • PROGRAM Rhaast/ PROJECT Shadow Assassin

  • Chaos Rhaast/ Order Shadow Assassin

  • Dark Star Rhaast/ Cosmic Shadow Assassin

I know this would probably make his skins pricey but you get the best of both worlds in one skin. So if you like the Chaos v. Order skin line, Nightbringer Yas/DawnBringer Riven and the God-Kings, you now don't have to choose as you get both chaos and order you just have to choose your favorite form while Kayn's base form can be a fusion of the two.

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