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The 11 types of Solo Queuers by their Role Select combination.

The different types of solo queuers in League of Legends by lane preference.

Top/Jungle: This player likes to play bruisers and zone denial champions. They prefer 1v1s to teamfights and like to split push at every opportunity.

Top/Mid: This player likes to play carries. They are experts are farming and waveclear and think that their team would be nothing without them.

Top/Bottom: This player only plays Marksman champions. They like to abuse range advantages and don't like fighting against anyone substantially tanky.

Top/Support: This player really likes to play tank champions that can take a hit. They prefer teamfights and want to protect their teammates and shut down enemy carries.

Jungle/Mid: This player likes to roam and make game-changing early game plays that can snowball into a winning lead for their team. Probably starts Sweeping Lens.

Jungle/Bottom: This player likes to farm heavily early- to mid-game and avoids early-game engages whenever possible. Usually only recalls to buy full items.

Jungle/Support: This player likes to stay out of the spotlight and make sure their teammates get fed. This player consistently has the highest vision score on their teams.

Mid/Bottom: This player is good at last hitting minions early game even with low attack damage and speed. Focuses on teamfighting and taking towers.

Mid/Support: This player likes to play mages with crowd control and enjoys managing multiple cooldowns and watching their positioning. Usually has the fewest deaths.

Support/Bottom: This player always knows when to take buff camps, looks at the map every 5 seconds, and looks at the scoreboard every 10. Probably the shotcaller.

Fill: This player owns at least 50 champions, plays at least 10 well, and probably has fully mastered at a good handful of those. Probably trying to become a pro team analyst.

EDIT: yes, I left it intentionally permutation-ambiguous

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