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Base Stats Of Every Single Champion (Season 8 Update)

So one day while bored at work, I realized that the champion base stats chart on the LOL Wiki page is out of date. It wasn't updated following the giant stat overhaul in the season 8 prepatch. Because I'm a masochist and my inbox was bone dry, I decided to remedy this by going through Riot's League of Legends Champion List page and manually enter in ALL of the base stats for ALL champions.

After doing that, I made a page of "normalized" stats for every champion in which I took the average of each individual stat and subtracted that from the the champion's respective stats to achieve a normalized number that shows how far above/below the average stat the champion is.

HOWEVER all champions in League are not created for the same function, and so getting normalized values across ALL champions was not a super useful statistic for comparing champions cohesively.

So I went through and pulled the primary and secondary "class" of each and every champion and made another page that took the normalized stats of every champion respective to it's primary class.

Use this sheet how you will, but be responsible when looking at statistics! This sheet should just be a tool to get an idea for how a certain champion compares to you. Also keep in mind that this sheet does not take into consideration ability damage/scaling. One instance of what you could use this spreadsheet for is to look up a matchup, realize you have higher base HP and HP/level than your opponent. This tells you that you can force longer trades, as you will have more health to play with for trades (if you're confused as to what I mean, look it up elsewhere but the basic principle is this: more health = more economy for trading/fighting).


HP = Health
HP+/AD+/etc.. = Stat gained per level
HP5 = Health Regen
AD = Attack Damage
AR = Armor
MR = Magic Resistance
MS = Movement Speed


Base Stats - All - Raw === Just contains the base stats for all champs
Base Stats - By Primary - Normalized === Normalized base stats for each champion respective to their primary role
Base Stats - All - Normalized === Normalized base stats for every champion across ALL champions
Averages === Just napkin math page needed for the All Normalized page. You can ignore it.


If you want to tinker with it or dive deeper, I recommend copying it over to your drive. There should be an option for that under the "File" menu


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