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Unfair Ruling from Collegiate Star League Administrators

If any of you are unaware, Collegiate Star League is the place to go if you want to play League of Legends at the college level. Unfortunately, they are the one of the only places to go for this. I am the coordinator of Eastern Michigan University's team and this past weekend was the start of the playoff season for The Collegiate Star League (CSL).

Before our first game even started we had difficulties that started from a communication breakdown with our opponent, this led to the enemy team cursing at us and trying to belittle us. We told the enemy team's coordinator that we were using a placeholder pick (Garen) for the champion we actually wanted (Varus) but could not acquire because the person picking did not own Varus. The coordinator was aware of this before we locked in our pick and it is very common practice for this to happen. The intent was to dodge out after all of the picks were done, then get back into the game and have the adc pick Varus instead of the Garen placeholder.

The enemy team kept banning Varus, so we kept dodging out, as we were within our rights according to the rules on the website to pick the champion we had a placeholder for. They told us to "f*** off" and that "If Garen was a placeholder, then our whole team was a placeholder". I instructed my players to not respond and to start taking screenshots, which I now have plenty of.

Because one player had to keep dodging due to the rudeness and lack of understanding of the rules that the other team had, his client became bugged and he was unable to join the lobby after countless efforts of re-logging back in. Because of this, the enemy team claimed that we wasted their time and left the match and attempted to claim a forfeit win. I also submitted evidence of their unsportsmanlike conduct and the folks at CSL told the both of us to reschedule the match.

I made many attempts to reschedule the match, sending the enemy coordinator a few messages a day regarding when a good time is for his team. He almost never responded and never gave me a time. I emailed CSL about this, and they essentially said that if the enemy team refused to work with us, then both of us would be automatically disqualified. This was to be a punishment for both teams for not rescheduling like they asked us to even though I was putting in the effort.

Long story short, we were unable to come up with a time to play because the other team's coordinator refused to talk to me. HOWEVER, both teams were NOT disqualified. It would appear that the enemy team was given a 2-0 win in a series between us that was never played out. (SEE UPDATE)

CSL not only handled this poorly, but they rewarded the team that took my team's playoff run hostage. Because they refused to work with us to actually play the game, their team gets the free win. (SEE UPDATE)

I emailed CSL this morning asking why the enemy team's record stated that we lost to them 2-0 with no response.

I am not complaining for the sake of complaining, just trying to inform anyone playing with this league that it is likely that you will get screwed if there's even the slightest problem!

Please tell me if I am missing something obvious...

UPDATE: I was just emailed by CSL stating that both teams will be double disqualified, but to do that they must disqualify my team this round then their team at the start of next round. Neither team will be going on to the next rounds of playoffs.

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