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Bjergsen's performance in TSM vs TL

I just wanted to address few things that have become a meme after the TSM vs TL game and people seem to just copy paste each other's jokes, without full understanding of the game. It's really weird seeing this, especially from TSM fans.

Poeple keep shitting on Bjergsen that he never roams and he seems to be the problem on TSM. I will try to defend Bjerg and discuss TSM's performance.

1) Bjergsen not roaming. In the FB, Bjergsen wasn't really able to match the roam from Malzahar. Xmithie held Bjerg and MY at blue buff, which allowed POB to shove 1/2 waves mid and go top. This was a problem with communication rather than Bjergsen. MY/Bjerg should have pinged Hauntzer back, but I guess they both thought that POB just backed after shoving those lanes. If Bjerg walked top, he would have been too late and lost 2 waves shoved mid. They realised really late that it's POB roaming and Bjerg TPing would lose him 2 waves of cs and still could have ended in Hauntzer dying (GP+Malz dmg vs Ryze only, since Gnar was cced). The other option is POB coming back mid, TSM losing TP pressure and Bjerg losing those 2 waves. Communication problems and Xmithie/POB had great planning here.

2)Huge fight botlane and triple kill+first tower for TL

This dive by TL was really telegraphed, but could not be matched by TSM, which also shows problems with communication. The moment Zven threw his q to hit a minion he lost a 2nd free dash and that's TL's engage with stun. MY was too low to do anything there, but he still came down to give one more kill. TPs from Bjerg/Hauntzer would end up in a full ace for TL.

3)Bjergsen never leaving lane and getting outroamed by Malzahar on Ryze

The problem with putting Bjergsen on Ryze and MY on Shyvana is that they straight up lose 2v2 vs TL's Gragas+Malzahar. MY was low most of the time after farming, and there was no option for Ryze to roam anywhere, he would get killed by Gragas+Malzahar cc. On top of that, MY was constantly warded out, GP rarely put himself in a position to get ganked, while DL+Olleh also played very safe in general. TSM could have planned around diving botlane/toplane, but that's a huge risk with Taric's ult and Gragas pressure vs Shyvana.

I believe that it is more of a problem with communication in TSM, the team not being on the same page. Also, Xmithie played really well vs MY's Shyvana. I didn't feel like there was a lot that Bjerg could have done in that game.

4)Zven+Mithy best bot west

I believe Zven+Mithy is a really good lane, while also thinking that DL is an insane player. However, I don't think you can really blame Zven+Mithy too much this game. TSM honestly need to mash together better. DL+Olleh really didn't outplay Zven+Mithy that hard, it was Zven being ahead of DL in terms of cs (kalista is really strong), and TL playing better as a team and having a gameplan.

TL;DR: It's only 1 game, TSM have communication problems and TL played really well.

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