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lol league of legends patch 12.22 2023 preseason
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Riot Games introduces the 2023 preseason patch 12.22 with plenty of changes afoot

The 2023 preseason patch is here!

With the professional scene now in its off-season and the transfer window soon approaching, Riot Games has finally introduced the 2023 preseason patch 12.22. Much like the other preseason patch notes, Riot will be bringing back the likes of the chemtech drake, revamping outdated items, as well as introducing new changes to the jungle.

Only four champions would get some patch changes with the likes of Cho'Gath, Lillia, Nunu, and Rakan getting selected. The top lane also gets a rework for its gold and experience gained. There will also be new communication tools added to the game, now with an expanded wheel for various situations.

It's an extensive update, to say the least with Riot addressing plenty of issues that have been plaguing the player base. This includes players that intentionally go AFK, whether it be standing still in the fountain or even if a player is detected to have just abandoned the game completely.

Here is everything you need to know about the 2023 preseason patch:

Preseason Changes

Image credit: Riot Games

The Return of the Chemtech Drake

  • Chemtech Drake: When the Chemtech Drake is below half health it gains 33% damage resistance and deals 50% more damage. This drake will deal 100% total AD + 4% of its target’s health as physical damage with each attack.
  • Chemtech Buff: When your team kills a Chemtech Drake they will gain a stacking buff that grants 5% Tenacity and 5% Healing and Shielding power.
  • Chemtech Soul: Upon receiving the Chemtech Soul, players will receive a buff that gives them 10% damage resistance and 10% more damage while below 50% health.

Chemtech Rift

  • Stim Fruits: Honeyfruits will upgrade into Stim Fruits and provide the usual heal plus a bonus shield in addition to no longer slowing champions that consume it
  • Blast Cones: Blast Cones will now blast units within their range twice as far when they explode
  • Firelight Bloom: Scryer’s Bloom will upgrade into Firelight’s Bloom which will reveal a small area around the plant when broken in addition to the usual cone in the opposite direction it was broken from. Allies tagged will also gain movement speed towards that direction for a short duration, and enemy wards revealed will be taken to 1 health.

Jungle Changes

Camp Mechanic Changes

  • (NEW) Marked for Death: When a large monster dies, all small monsters in their camp will be marked for death. After 10 consecutive seconds of not being in combat with a champion, monsters that have been marked for death will die.
  • (NEW) Own-Side Clearing Strength: Junglers now deal 20% more damage from non-true damage sources to monsters on their own side of the jungle. This increased damage will not apply when invading and dealing damage to the enemy’s camps.
  • (NEW) Parting Gifts: All large monsters will now heal [27+3/level (increased by up to 2.25x based on missing health) health and restore 15+2/level (increased by up to 2.25x based on missing mana) mana upon takedown if you have a jungle companion. This heal/mana restoration will take the form of a projectile that will be fired towards the champion that last-hit the monster after a 0.3-second delay.

Camp Gold and Experience Changes

  • Lane Minion Experience: Junglers will only gain 75% experience from lane minions before their first pet evolution unless the jungler is behind the average game level.
  • Large Monster Gold: All large monster gold given to non-junglers has been reduced by 15 gold.
  • Large Monster Experience for Non-Junglers: All large monster experience given to non-junglers has been reduced by 15 experience except for the Ancient Krug which has been reduced by 12 experience.
  • Large Monster Experience for Junglers: All large monsters now give an additional 15 experience if you have a jungle companion.

Blue Sentinel

  • Health: 1850 ⇒ 2300
  • Attack Damage: 78 ⇒ 66
  • (NEW) On-Hit Damage: Blue Sentinel now deals 5% of its target’s current health on hit.


  • Health: 1650 ⇒ 2200
  • Attack Damage: 74 ⇒ 70
  • Attack Range: 200 ⇒ 175
  • (NEW) On-Hit Damage: Gromp now deals 5% of its target’s current health on hit
  • (REMOVED) Parting Gift: Gromp will no longer heal the champion that killed it upon dying


  • Ancient Krug Health: 1050 ⇒ 1350
  • Ancient Krug Attack Damage: 74 ⇒ 57
  • (NEW) On-Hit Damage: Ancient Krug now deals 3% of its target’s current health on hit
  • Krug Health: 500 ⇒ 650
  • Ancient Krug and Krugs Death Animation/Smaller Krug Spawn Time: 1.3 seconds ⇒ 1 second
  • (REMOVED) Keeping It Together: Ancient Krug no longer spawns 2 Krugs when killed and instead spawns 4 mini Krugs
  • (NEW) 1=2: Ancient Krug is now counted as 2 CS (Note: The Krugs camp as a whole will still be counted as 4 CS)

Murk Wolves

  • Greater Murk Wolf Health: 1200 ⇒ 1600
  • Greater Murk Wolf Attack Damage: 35 ⇒ 30
  • (NEW) On-Hit Damage: Greater Murk Wolf now deals 3% of its target’s current health on hit
  • Murk Wolves Health: 480 ⇒ 630


  • Crimson Raptor Health: 800 ⇒ 1100
  • Crimson Raptor Attack Damage: 20 ⇒ 17
  • (NEW) On-Hit Damage: Crimson Raptor now deals 3% of its target’s current health on hit
  • Raptor Health: 425 ⇒ 500
  • Raptor Attack Damage: 10 ⇒ 7

Red Brambleback

  • Attack Damage: 78 ⇒ 66
  • Health: 1850 ⇒ 2300
  • (NEW) On-Hit Damage: Red Brambleback now deals 5% of its target’s current health on hit

Rift Herald

  • Experience Given to Champs within 600 units: 200 ⇒ 300
  • First Spawned Rift Herald Charge: 2000 ⇒ 1500 (Note: Actual damage done will be higher than this value)

Rift Scuttler

  • Spawn Time: 3:15 ⇒ 3:30
  • Health at Level 1: 1050 ⇒ 1550
  • (REMOVED) See Ya Shield: Rift Scuttler no longer has a shield

Jungle Companions

Image credit: Riot Games

Companion Attacks

  • Companions will deal 20(+4% bonus HP)(+15% AP)(+10% AD) and will attack at a rate of 1 attack per second. After their owner has stopped attacking, they will attack two more times and then stop.
  • Companions will heal their owner for 70% of the above number every time they attack
  • Damaging a camp from a distance will cause companions to leap attack toward the camp, dealing the same amount of damage

Companion Mana Regeneration

  • Companions will provide their owners with an increase to mana regeneration equal to [(8*percent missing mana) + (8*percent missing mana)*(level/1.3)*0.1] while in the jungle (including your jungle, the enemy jungle, and the river)

Companion Progression

Jungle companions will evolve twice throughout the game by acquiring treats via the following methods: 

  • 1 treat per large monster/champion takedown
  • 1 bonus treat is stored every 60 seconds before reaching the companion’s final evolution form
  • 1 bonus treat is stored every 90 seconds after reaching the companion’s final evolution form
  • When a large monster is killed with bonus treats available, players will receive 2 treats and 50 bonus gold. 1 bonus treat stack will also be removed.

Companion Evolutions

As jungle companions evolve, they will receive the following bonuses at each evolution: 

First Evolution

  • Smite damage will be increased to 900 true damage against monsters
  • Smite is now castable on enemy champions, dealing 80-160 (based on level) true damage and slowing the target by 20% for 2 seconds
  • The jungle item will remain in your inventory
  • Companion will visually evolve
  • Smite’s icon will upgrade

Final Evolution

  • Smite damage will be increased to 1200 against monsters and will do 50% of its damage as AoE damage against nearby monsters
  • Players will become empowered and receive buffs depending on their chosen companion
  • The jungle item will be removed from your inventory
  • Companion will visually evolve
  • Smite’s icon will upgrade


  • Mosstomper’s Courage: Gain a 75-330 (based on level) health shield after killing a monster camp or after 10 seconds out of combat. This shield will remain indefinitely. Players will gain 20% Tenacity and slow resist while the shield is present and for 3 seconds after it has been broken.
  • Protection Buff: Take 30% reduced damage from monsters while at least 2 allies are within 1300 units


  • Scorchclaw’s Slash: Scorchclaw will accumulate Ember stacks at a rate of 3 stacks per 0.5 seconds or 100 stacks upon killing a large monster. At 100 Ember stacks, your next instance of damage against an enemy champion will slow all enemies in a 250-unit radius by 30% (decaying over 2 seconds) and deal burn damage equal to 5% of the target's maximum health in true damage over 4 seconds to the primary target.
  • Protection Buff: Take 30% reduced damage from monsters while at least 2 allies are within 1300 units


  • Gustwalker’s Gait: Gain 45% bonus movement speed when entering a brush that decays over 2 seconds after leaving the brush. This is increased to 60% for 2 seconds after killing a large monster.
  • Protection Buff: Take 30% reduced damage from monsters while at least 2 allies are within 1300 units

Leashing Range Updates & Indicators

  • (NEW) Soft Resets: After losing all patience, instead of fully resetting, the monster will ‘soft reset’ for 6 seconds. While soft resetting, the monster will path towards its camp centre, regenerate 6% of its max health per second, and will ignore attackers outside of its leash range. Attacking a monster while the attacker is within its leash range will end the soft reset and restore some patience. After these 6 seconds have passed without the monster being attacked, the monster will ‘hard reset’ and ignore all attackers, rapidly heal, and return to its original position.
  • (NEW) Soft vs Hard Reset Speed: Monsters will move more slowly while soft resetting, and faster once they hard reset
  • (NEW) Patience is Key: Monsters will not lose patience for 1.5 seconds after being attacked by a champion within the leash radius
  • (NEW) Patience Regeneration: Camps will now begin to regenerate lost patience after 2 seconds of being back within their leash range
  • Small Monster Patience: Small Monsters will match the patience of their respective large monster as long as it is alive and within 700 range
  • Blue Sentinel: 1000 ⇒ 650
  • Gromp: 700 ⇒ 450
  • Krugs: 900 ⇒ 650
  • Murk Wolves: 800 ⇒ 650
  • Raptors: 800 ⇒ 650
  • Red Brambleback: 1000 ⇒ 650
  • Rift Herald: 1200 ⇒ 1100

New Communication Tools

Expanded Tactical Wheel

  • Returning Pings (clockwise): Retreat (formerly Danger), On My Way, Assist Me, Enemy Missing
  • New Pings (clockwise): Push, All-In, Hold, Bait

Vision Wheel

  • (from left to right) Vision Cleared, Enemy Vision, Need Vision
  • Extra Feature: The Need Vision ping will leave a small persistent indicator for a minute, or until a ward is placed nearby. You may only have one of these indicators active at any given time. Pinging again will replace your previous one.

Other Pings

  • Returning Pings: Caution

Vision System Updates

Allied Ward Tracking

While there are currently ways to see how many wards you have out on the map, there isn’t a quick way to check which wards are closest to expiring. We’re introducing new ward visuals on the minimap that will indicate when wards are close to expiring. Allied ward minimap icons will now change appearance when they reach a third of their remaining duration. 

Enemy Ward Trackers

It can be hard to keep track of every single ward that gets placed on the map and even harder to successfully communicate that information to your teammates. Now, if you use a vision ping near an enemy ward that you've seen within the last 10 seconds—or just attack it—a perfectly accurate ward timer that is always visible to all teammates will appear until the ward is removed or expires.

Top Lane-Oriented Updates

Lane gold and experience changes

  • Mid Lane Gold Changes: All minions spawned in the mid lane will now be worth 1 less gold before 14 minutes when last hit (previously, only cannon minions were worth less gold, but were worth 10 less gold)
  • Minion Experience: Minions now grant 2.15% more experience to solo champions. Minion experience when shared between multiple champions is unchanged.

New & Updated Items

Jak'sho, The Protean

  • Gold Cost: 3000
  • Health: 400
  • Armour: 30
  • Magic Resist: 30
  • Ability Haste: 20
  • Build Path: Aegis of the Legion + Kindlegem + Ruby Crystal
  • Passive - Voidborn Resilience: For each second in champion combat, gain a stack granting 2 armour and MR, up to 8 max. At max stacks become empowered, instantly draining enemies around you for 3% of your max health (reduced to 30% against minions and monsters) and increasing your resists by 10% until the end of combat.
  • Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items 5 armour and 5 magic resistance.

The Unspoken Parasite

  • Health: 550
  • Armour: 40
  • Magic Resist: 40
  • Ability Haste: 25
  • Passive - Voidborn Resilience: Passive is identical to the base version

Radiant Virtue

  • Gold Cost: 3000
  • Health: 400
  • Armour: 30
  • Magic Resist: 30
  • Ability Haste: 20
  • Build Path: Aegis of the Legion + Kindlegem + Ruby Crystal
  • Passive - Guiding Light: Upon casting your ultimate you Transcend, increasing your max health by 10% for 9 seconds. While Transcended, you and allies within 1200 range of you gain 15 non-ultimate ability haste and heal for 1% of your max health every 3 seconds, increased by up to 100% based on that champion's missing health. 60-second cooldown.
  • Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items 100 health

Primordial Dawn

  • Health: 550
  • Armour: 40
  • Magic Resist: 40
  • Ability Haste: 25
  • Passive - Guiding Light: Passive is identical to the base version


  • Gold Cost: 3200
  • Health: 800
  • Health Regen: 200%
  • Ability Haste: 20
  • Build Path: Kindlegem + Crystalline Bracer + Giant’s Belt
  • Passive - Colossal Consumption: Charge up a powerful attack against a champion over 3 seconds while within 700 range of them. The charged attack deals 125 +6% of your max health as bonus physical damage, and grants you 10% of that amount as permanent max health. 30-second cooldown per target.
  • Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items 1% bonus health and 6% champion size


  • Health: 1050
  • Health Regen: 300%
  • Ability Haste: 25
  • Passive - Colossal Consumption: Passive is identical to the base version

Iceborn Gauntlet (Formerly Frostfire Gauntlet)

  • Gold Cost: 2800 ⇒ 3000
  • Health: 450 ⇒ 400
  • Armour: 25 ⇒ 50
  • Magic Resist: 25 ⇒ 0
  • Ability Haste: 20 (unchanged)
  • Build Path: Bami's Cinder + Null-Magic Mantle + Cloth Armor ⇒ Sheen + Kindlegem + Chain Vest
  • Passive - Spellblade: After using an ability, your next attack is enhanced with an additional 100% base AD physical damage and creates a frost field for 2.5 seconds. Enemies that move across the field are slowed by 15% +.004% bonus health (halved for ranged users). Your primary target is crippled, applying a 100% stronger slow on them and reducing their damage by 10% against you for 2.5 seconds. 1.5-second cooldown.
  • Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items 50 health, 5% Tenacity, and 5% slow resist

Frozen Fist

  • Health: 550
  • Armour: 70
  • Ability Haste: 25
  • Passive - Spellblade: Passive is identical to the base version

Rod of Ages

  • Gold Cost: 3200
  • Ability Power: 60
  • Health: 300
  • Mana: 400
  • Build Path: Catalyst of Aeons + Blasting Wand + Amplifying Tome
  • Passive: This item gains 20 health, 20 mana, and 4 ability power every minute, up to 10 times, for a maximum of 200 health, 200 mana, and 40 ability power. Upon reaching max stacks, gain a level and all effects of Eternity are increased by 50%. (Note: this will not increase the level cap of 18)
  • Unique Passive - Eternity: Restore mana equal to 8% of premitigation damage taken from champions, and health equal to 20% of mana spent, up to 15 health per cast. Toggled abilities can only heal for up to 15 per second. For every 250 health or mana restored this way, gain 25% decaying move speed for 2 seconds.
  • Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items 5 Ability Haste

Infinite Convergence

  • Ability Power: 80
  • Health: 450
  • Mana: 550
  • Passive/Unique Passive - Eternity: Passives are identical to the base version

Catalyst of Aeons

  • Gold Cost: 1100
  • Health: 225
  • Mana: 300
  • Build Path: Ruby Crystal + Sapphire Crystal
  • Unique Passive - Eternity: Restore mana equal to 8% of premitigation damage taken from champions, and health equal to 20% of mana spent, up to 15 health per cast. Toggled abilities can only heal for up to 15 per second.

Abyssal Mask

  • Gold Cost: 2700 ⇒ 3000
  • Health: 450 ⇒ 500
  • Mana: 0 ⇒ 300
  • Magic Resist: 35 ⇒ 40
  • Ability Haste: 10 (unchanged)
  • Build Path: Kindlegem + Spectre's Cowl ⇒ Catalyst of Aeons + Spectre's Cowl
  • (NEW) Passive - Eternity: Restore mana equal to 8% of premitigation damage taken from champions, and health equal to 20% of mana spent, up to 15 health per cast. Toggled abilities can only heal for up to 15 per second.
  • Passive - Unmake: Curse nearby enemy champions, reducing their magic resist by 5 + 1.2% bonus health (max 25). For each Cursed enemy, gain 9 magic resist.

Randuin's Omen

  • Gold Cost: 2700 ⇒ 3000
  • Health: 250 ⇒ 400
  • Armour: 90 ⇒ 60
  • Ability Haste: 10 ⇒ 0
  • Build Path: Warden's Mail + Cloth Armor + Ruby Crystal ⇒ Warden's Mail + Giant's Belt
  • (NEW) Active - Humility: Briefly slow nearby enemies by 55% for 2 seconds (60-second cooldown)
  • NEWPassive - Critical Resistance: Critical strikes deal 20% less damage to you
  • Passive - Rock Solid: Reduce incoming damage from attacks by up to 5 +0.35%, capped at 40% of attack's damage

Sunfire Aegis

  • Item Tier: Mythic ⇒ Legendary
  • Gold Cost: 3200 ⇒ 2800
  • Health: 450 ⇒ 400
  • Armour: 35 ⇒ 50
  • Magic Resistance: 35 ⇒ 0
  • Ability Haste: 20 ⇒ 0
  • Build Path: Bami’s Cinder + Aegis of the Legion ⇒ Bami's Cinder + Chain Vest
  • (REMOVED) Unique Passive - Flametouch: Flametouch has been removed
  • Passive - Immolate: Immolate damage is no longer increased by 150% against monsters

Turbo Chemtank

  • Item Tier: Mythic ⇒ Legendary
  • Gold Cost: 3200 ⇒ 2800
  • Health: 450 ⇒ 500
  • Magic Resist: 25 ⇒ 50
  • Armour: 25 ⇒ 0
  • Ability Haste: 20 ⇒ 10
  • Build Path: Bami’s Cinder + Cloth Armor + Null Magic Mantle ⇒ Kindlegem + Negatron Cloak + Ruby Crystal
  • (REMOVED) Passive - Refuel: Refuel passive has been removed

Aegis of the Legion

  • Gold Cost: 1400 ⇒ 1200

Ravenous Hydra

  • Attack Damage: 70 ⇒ 65
  • Unique Passive - Cleave: 60-12% total AD (based on distance) ⇒ 60% of total AD for melee champions and 30% of total AD for ranged champions to all enemies around them
  • (NEW) Unique Passive - Carnivorous: Gain 0.6 AD and 0.1% Omnivamp on minion kills, increased to twice that amount for champions, large/epic monsters, and siege minions. Stacks up to 24 AD and 4% Omnivamp. Lose half of these stacks on death.


  • Unique Passive - Cleave: 60-12% total AD (based on distance) ⇒ 50% of total AD for melee champions and 25% of total AD for ranged champions to all enemies around them

Spear of Shojin

  • Gold Cost: 3400
  • Attack Damage: 65
  • Health: 300
  • Ability Haste: 20
  • Unique Passive - Dragonforce: Non-ultimate spells gain an extra [8 (+8% bonus AD) Ability Haste for melee champions | 6 (+6% bonus AD) Ability Haste for ranged champions], reduced to [4 (+4% bonus AD) Ability Haste for melee champions | 3 (+3% bonus AD) Ability Haste for ranged] for spells with immobilizing effects
  • Unique Passive - Exigency: Gain up to [15% melee | 10% ranged] move speed, based on your % missing health (maxed out while below 33% health)
  • Build Path: B.F. Sword + Kindlegem + Caulfield’s Warhammer

Navori Quickblades

  • Ability Haste: 30 ⇒ 20
  • (NEW) Unique Passive - Transcendance: If you have at least 60% Critical Strike Chance, your Attacks reduce your non-Ultimate Ability cooldowns by 15% of their remaining cooldown.
  • (NEW) Unique Passive - Impermanence: Your abilities deal up to 20% increased damage based on critical strike chance


Image credit: Riot Games


  • Damage to Non-Champions: 1000 (+50% AP)(+10% Bonus HP) ⇒ 1200(+50% AP)(+10% Bonus HP)
Image credit: Riot Games


Base Stats

  • Attacks: Ranged ⇒ Melee
  • Base Health: 625 ⇒ 605
  • Health Growth: 104 ⇒ 105

Passive - Dream-laden Bough

  • Healing vs Champions: 10.5-124.5 (based on level)(+18% AP) (Note: linear scaling) ⇒ 6-120 (based on level)(+18% AP) (Note: now uses stat growth multiplier)
Image credit: Riot Games

Nunu & Willump

Q - Consume

  • True Damage to Non-Champions: 340/500/660/820/980 ⇒ 400/600/800/1000/1200
Image credit: Riot Games


Base Stats

  • Attacks: Ranged ⇒ Melee

Summoner Spells

  • Smite Damage: 450 (Base)/900 (Challenging/Chilling Smite) ⇒ 600/900/1200 (0/20/40 companion stacks)
  • (UPDATED) New Smites New Names: Smite/Challenging Smite/Chilling Smite ⇒ Smite/Unleashed Smite/Primal Smite

Turret Adjustments

Turret Plating

  • Gold Given per Plate: 160 ⇒ 175
  • Armour and MR per Turret Plate: 35 ⇒ 40

ARAM Balance Adjustments

Champion Buffs

  • Akali: +20% Tenacity, +20% Energy Regeneration
  • Ekko: +20% Tenacity
  • Elise: +20% Tenacity
  • Evelynn: +20% Tenacity
  • Fizz: +20% Tenacity
  • Kassadin: +20% Tenacity
  • Katarina: +20% Tenacity
  • Kayn: +20% Tenacity
  • Kennen: +20% Energy Regeneration
  • Kha’Zix: +20% Tenacity
  • Le’Blanc: +20% Tenacity
  • Lee Sin: +20% Energy Regeneration
  • Pyke: +20% Tenacity
  • Qiyana: +20% Tenacity
  • Rek’Sai: +20% Tenacity
  • Rengar: +20% Tenacity
  • Talon: +20% Tenacity
  • Zed: +20% Tenacity, +20% Energy Regeneration

Champion Nerfs

  • Ashe: -20 Ability Haste

Champion Base Stat Cleanup

  • Base AD, Base HP, Base Mana, Base MR, Mana Growth: Rounded to the nearest 1
  • AD Growth, Base Mana Regeneration, Mana Regeneration Growth: Rounded to the nearest 0.05
  • Attack Speed Growth: Rounded to the nearest 0.005

Behavioural Systems

  • Penalty ladders will be upgraded accordingly to match the new severity tiers we can detect
  • Players who are chat restricted will no longer be able to send any messages to other players in-game (DMs will still be available)


AFK Surrender Time Update

Currently, if a player is AFK after the time the remake window passes, you need to wait until 10 minutes before your team is allowed to call for a unanimous early surrender. In line with our previous updates to the remake system, we want to give teams the agency to end the game when competitive integrity has been impacted. 

  • No More Dead Zone: Teams have the option to call a unanimous early surrender vote if an AFK player is detected on their team between 10:00 and 15:00 ⇒ 3:30 and 15:00

Champ Select Anonymity

As we discussed in this article, we think the best version of League is not one where you metagame based on the players in your lobby. We also want to avoid using someone else’s win or loss streak/playing a different champion to force a dodge (or pressure others to dodge) when your setup doesn’t meet the perfect conditions. 

  • Allies are Friends: In Ranked Solo/Duo champion select, all summoner names that aren’t yours or your duo partner’s will be replaced by Ally 1 through 5.

Game Remake Updates

Whether someone is or isn’t connected to the game or pressing buttons on their mouse and keyboard, if they’re doing nothing but standing in the fountain then they aren’t playing the game. At the end of the day, this is what we want to protect against with the remake system. 

  • Fountain Check: Before 3 minutes, if a player is in the fountain for 90 continuous seconds, their team is able to initiate a remake. At 45 seconds, a player will receive a chat message telling them they need to leave the fountain. At 70 seconds, they will receive a pop-up message telling them they need to leave the fountain.

Mythic Content

Mythic Shop Rotation

In this Mythic Shop rotation, we’ll have two Unvaulted Prestige skins and a Mythic Chroma. 

Now Available

  • Prestige Star Guardian Neeko
  • Prestige Conqueror Jax
  • Mythic Chroma Galaxy Slayer Zed

Leaving the Mythic Shop

  • Prestige Bewitching Miss Fortune
  • Prestige Coven LeBlanc
  • Mythic Chroma High Noon Senna

Season 2023 End and Rewards

The Summoner’s Rift Ranked season ended on November 14th, so hopefully, you all reached your ranked goals and if not, better luck next year! End of Season Ranked rewards will be distributed to all players by December 14th. More details can be found on the Player Support page here!

On a similar note, the last patch was also your last chance to make progress on your 2022 Seasonal Challenges, so we hope you hit those goals!

Bugfixes and QoL Changes

  • Fixed a bug where Live Chat Moderation mute prevented players from DMing their friends in the League Client
  • Fixed a bug where rebuying Night Harvester after selling it would cause its effect to become non-functional
  • Fixed a bug for Maw of Malmortius/Sterak’s Gage where if the damage was inflicted that was greater than Lifeline’s shield then the shield would do nothing.
  • Fixed a bug where Syndra’s E would appear as its own unit in the enemies death recap
  • Fixed a few inconsistencies in Dr. Mundo’s tooltips
  • Fixed a bug where Blitzcrank’s tooltips did not display the Passive Shield’s mana and level scaling
  • Fixed a bug that caused Kalista’s W passive indicator to be barely visible depending on the camera’s position
  • Fixed a bug that would sometime cause the last tick of Zac’s R to sometimes do no damage
  • Fixed a bug that was causing Sylas to steal K’Sante’s R - recast if he was in All Out form
  • Fixed a bug where K’Sante could sell and rebuy his items to greatly reduce his grey HP threshold while in All Out form
  • Fixed a bug where some champion’s VFX would persist for a period of time after being released from Tahm Kench’s R
  • Fixed a bug for Kalista where killing a unit while casting Rend would cause Rend’s cooldown to reset
  • Fixed a bug that would cause Kindred’s marking passive to be audible through the fog of war
  • Fixed a bug where Syndra’s E could move unstoppable units
  • Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause the client to freeze if clicking on specific items in the Collections tab
  • Fixed a bug where K’Sante’s R would not remove Dr. Mundo’s passive spellshield
  • Fixed a bug where K’Sante’s R bonus AD would not account for temporary armour and magic resist bonuses from items and runes
  • Fixed a bug where Pantheon would be locked out of casting spells for a few frames after his R ended
  • Fixed a bug where K’Sante’s E would not cancel his recall if he was currently channelling his back
  • Fixed a bug where Kalista’s spear would be temporarily displaced on top of her when she uses her Q
  • Fixed a bug where K’Sante could redirect/extend his W knockback distance/direction with Flash
  • Fixed a bug where Rapid Fire Canon could extend Rengar’s leap range during his ultimate
  • Fixed a bug where Master Yi’s Q would sometimes cause jungle monsters to attack him but deal no damage
  • Fixed a bug that caused Rell’s R to deal one less pulse of damage
  • Fixed a bug that caused Ahri’s Orb to stay with Viego after he ended possession of her
  • Fixed a bug that caused K’Sante E to not proc Spellblade effects
  • Fixed a bug where smaller-sized champions could slip between the gaps in Maokai’s R
  • Fixed a bug that cause Viego to repeatedly play Spirit Guard Udyr’s Q SFX after ending his possession of Udyr
  • Fixed a bug where enabling Auto Attack would sometimes cancel channelled abilities
Teh "GravityWillFall" Wi-LiamA failed pro-am gamer turned into a filthy casual with an unhealthy obsession for keyboards and sneakers.

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