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League of Legends’ Clash is back with its schedule for 2022

League of Legends Clash is back!

Riot Games has announced the return of League of Legends Clash, a popular game mode that has been around since 2017. Usually a weekend-only tournament, Clash allows players to form teams of five and play against other squads in a tournament setting. While it has been around for quite some time, it has always been for a limited time only. Riot has seen to that by releasing its entire schedule of LoL Clash for 2022.

ClashLock-In BeginsTournament Days
Ionia Cup

Week 1 - February 14

Week 2 - February 28

February 19 - 20

March 5- 6

Freljord Cup

Week 1 - March 14

Week 2 - March 28

March 19 - 20

April 2 - 3

Piltover Cup

Week 1 - April 11

Week 2 - April 25

April 16 - 17

April 30 - May 1


Week 1 - May 9

Week 2 - May 16

May 14 - 15

May 21 - 22

Demacia Cup

Week 1 - June 6

Week 2 - June 20

June 11 - 12

June 25 - 26

Shadow Isles Cup

Week 1 - July 4

Week 2 - July 18

July 9 - 10

July 23 - 24

Zaun Cup

Week 1 - August 1

Week 2 - August 15

August 6 - 7

August 20 - 21

Noxus Cup

Week 1 - August 29

Week 2 - September 12

September 3 - 4

September 17 - 18


Week 1 - September 26

Week 2 - October 10

October 1 - 2

October 15 - 16


Week 1 - November 14

Week 2 - November 28

November 19 - 20

December 3 - 4


While Clash matches won't happen until the weekend, Riot is now giving teams the chance to lock-in their rosters at the beginning of the week, giving you and your squad ample time to prepare. To join or create a Clash team, you will need to have reached level 30, complete placements in at least one Summoner's Rift ranked queue, as well as verifying your account via SMS, a new feature introduced into Clash.

Come the weekend, you'll be placed in an eight-team bracket on either day (or both!) If you win all three of your matches, you'll receive a trophy alongside amazing prizes. The more games you win, the better the prizes will be. Fret not if you get knocked out of the first round though; you'll still be able to play consolation games to improve your prize pool.

Each team will also be assigned a rank based on your current skill level. Tier I is the highest while Tier IV is the lowest. Your Clash team's Tier is based off of your overall squad's rank with more emphasis placed on your team's highest rank player. Your Tier determines who you will be facing against as well as when you can lock-in for a tournament.

For more information regarding the upcoming Clash weekend tournaments, be sure to check out the entire Clash FAQ provided by Riot.

Teh "GravityWillFall" Wi-LiamA failed pro-am gamer turned into a filthy casual with an unhealthy obsession for keyboards and sneakers.

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