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LoL4 years ago

Stop trying to compare champions kits and call it a lack of creativity

With the new champion Rell revealed almost everyone started saying "she is literally just pyke + skarner" which just makes me feel disappointed to be part of this community. "Oh she rides a horse, basically Sejuani" just sounds stupid but people throw it out there anyways.

I feel like riot can't make a single new champion anymore without multiple people vocally expresses how similar some abilities are to other ones "aphelios turrets = heimer, lillia Q = darius, samira R = katarina" etc

it's at the problem where you could release ivern today and people would say his Q is just morg Q and R is just annie tibbers despite obviously not being anywhere near accurate

instead of comparing abilities, look at the whole kit as a whole instead of trying to insert older champions into it.