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LoL4 years ago

For the first time since 2015, Kobe will not cast the Worlds Final

Huge shoutout to Kobe, who has had an awesome run that only a global pandemic could stop. He's incredible at what he does, and while I think it makes total sense that the LEC team will get to call the final given the year that broadcast has had, it's still a bit of a shame that we won't get to have the usual cross-region tri-cast that we've gotten used to.

For reference:

  • 2015: Jatt, Deficio, and Riv

  • 2016: Kobe, Jatt, and Quickshot

  • 2017: Kobe, Deficio, and Phreak

  • 2018: Kobe, PapaSmithy, and CaptainFlowers

  • 2019: Kobe, PapaSmithy, and Quickshot

  • 2020: ??? (Presumably Quickshot, Vedius, and somebody)