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The timing of the changes Riot just made to NA Amateur is inexcusable.

Changes can be found here:

The significant changes can be found under the eligibility requirements, where Riot is being more strict on how much recent experiences players can have before becoming ineligible. The issue is not whether on not these changes are healthy, but the timing of the changes is inexcusable.

Riot has announced these changes as the Scouting Grounds Circuit in North America have already been going on for over 2 months. These changes have retroactively banned players (notably ANEW Esports, who the majority of the roster is no longer eligible for SGC this year) who have been spending literally 6-7 days a week for months getting ready for this event.

There have already been terrible issues with NA Amateur this year, notably having league games (Upsurge, LWL, etc.) which earn you points for qualification almost every single day of the week for months on end, and issues regarding roster locks and changes for players going to academy. But retroactively telling multiple players that they can no longer compete this year by telling them 2/3rds of the way through the season is just wrong.

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