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The current ability/rune description state of the game is disgusting.

So, let's make a brief review of some disgusting descriptions and inconsistencies. There are lots of them and makes me sad.

Let's take Wukong as a reference to flame a bit later about him.

This is his normal W description:

Everything looks fine. Let's hit Shift to see the detailed description, we can now see the type of invisibility he uses and how it scales through every single level! Neat.

Let's take a look at Gnar now. We try to shift to see detailed info but... Nothing happens. No advanced info for Gnar! If you want to see what will increase wait until you level up, or go to a third party website!

Also, speaking about Gnar... We all know that he gets tired when he goes back from Mega Gnar form to regular Gnar, right? Well... That isn't written anywhere in the champ abilities or passive. You have to see it live while you play in order to know it. This is the debuff:

Back to Wukong! Let's check his W description again.

The clone attacks nearby enemies Wukong has recently damaged and will mimic his ultimate, dealing 35% normal damage

Reading this, you might think... What? Didn't he also replicate his Q? And the answer is: yes, but that's explained on the Q itself.

What about the R? Does it say anything about it being copied by the clone? Short answer: no. It doesn't.

Well... This sucks, right? It's a mess for new players! And lots of champs are plagued by this nonsensical lack of consistency. But things don't end there. Let's take a look at runes.

Conqueror, specifically. This is what Conqueror description says ingame:

Fine! A rune that gives us damage and healing. We decide to play a game with it, and at the end of the match, we want to check if it went well and compare its numbers to other runes. We go to the "Runes" section of the game details, and... What?

Only healing is displayed! No damage data? How can we know how effective it was? Other than checking third party websites or apps, of course.

You, a person who usually forgets numbers, decide to check again how much did you heal when you fully stacked the conqueror. You hover over the Conqueror description in the postgame stats and... What on earth is this??

Gain stacks of adaptive force when attacking enemy champions. After reaching 10 stacks, heal for a portion of damage you deal to champions

What? How much? A PORTION? What on earth?

Okay, I get it. It's the postgame, it's just a generic, easy to read description for new players to know what is Conqueror.

Let's buy a champ! We decide to buy riven, but first, we want to check if she has good damage stats. We head to her champion page, abilities, press one... and what? There are no damage numbers and no way to activate them! Not even cooldowns! Am I bound to third party sites again??

Some of the descriptions there are plain wrong or unclear too!

Valor (E)

Riven steps forward a short distance and blocks incoming damage.

It's not a block, but a shield! A block is what Fiora has, not a regular shield. You can't even see this in the video since the video has no UI, just a Riven dashing forward. No way to see the shield in her life.

This is not only bad for new players, but for experienced players too. Sometimes you want to check something. How long was Darius ultimate cooldown at level 6? Well, you'll have to check a third party site to know it! Either that, or play a Darius game and note it down on a post-it and put it on your monitor.

Some champs even have a "Press shift to show more info" tooltip, but when you press shift there is literally no extra info. Sometimes, it will hide a small text on the bottom that says things like "This skill deals 33% damage to monsters" and it's like dude!! We don't need a shift button to hide 6 words!!

And I think that's all I have to rant about today. These inconsistencies are disgusting for a game like League of Legends. We rely too much on third party websites, apps and wikis in order to play the game properly. All this info could and should be in the client.

TL;DR: Some champs have detailed info about their ability scaling, others do not. Some abilities are not explained correctly or are explained in other abilities they interact with. There is no information about damage numbers or cooldowns for champs in the client either.

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