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I got Grandmaster playing only Fiddlesticks, here is a list of suggestions for quality of life chang

I just got Grandmaster playing only the newly reworked Fiddlesticks. I've been playing Fiddlesticks since season 1 and was in challenger every season except for a few.

The rework overall is not bad especially in terms of power, I think the champion is really strong but most people don't know how to play him. He can't be played like old Fiddle and you have to be a very patient player.

Here is a list of things I would like to see Riot implement or at least think about and iterate:

  • There needs to be an indication of when his passive is activated. At the moment, I have to guess when I am T-posed and appear as an effigy to my opponents. Some sort of indication near or around his health bar would be a huge improvement to his passive for me.

  • There needs to be an indication of when his abilities will fear. I know for his ult this indication is present on opponents, and I know this can be abused to discern whether or not certain areas are warded. Maybe match the range of this indication with the range of his E. It's very hard to tell whether or not my abilities will fear.

  • His Q should not have a missile/projectile. I know this matches his cast time and there is technically no missile speed and functions the same way as his old Q. However, aesthetically this looks weird and if they really want visual clarity they should make it look like a tendril or something that looks more 'fear-like' (Thinking something like nocturne's E.)

  • I want to be able to disable the danger ping on my effigy. It confuses my teammates and sends mixed signals on what I want to do. If I were to put an effigy in a bush as I'm running away in the middle of a team fight, my team will think I want to back out when they hear the danger ping.

  • I want to be able to know what action my effigy will fake before-hand. I know this is probably a straight up buff but I think more cool plays can happen if I know what my effigy will do. Even better if I can pick.

  • Maybe an indication of who is in drain range would be nice. I often run up to targets thinking they're in drain range but aren't. This problem isn't huge and is least important on the list.

I won't speak for balance. Power-wise, I think he's one of the strongest junglers in the game with an incredibly weak early game. There are a few changes in terms of power shifting that I would like to see but I can't speak for the balance team.


There is a small bug with his drain where you will get the last tick but moving after it will count as canceling your drain and won't refund the cooldown. This happens maybe 1 in 30 drains.

There is another bug where starting an auto attack animation on a target that is dying will instantly put you into your passive T-pose and you will appear as an effigy.

Edit: another bug I forgot about; his robot skin doesn't have the scythe properly attached to the rest of the model during the slowest walk animation.

I hope these suggestions are at least thought about.

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