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How do you SKT fans feel about today? (And a story)

My answer first : nervous as i was the first time I confessed to my wife.

First because their quarters performance wasn't as convincing and secondly, needs a story.

I'm a brazilian SKT fan since mid 2014 (the kind that proudly wears their merchandise around) and I have been following them ( especially Faker) years before I even touched League, had a lot of laughs, cheers, discussions but there comes 2017 Worlds finals.

I didn't expect them to win, but Faker's breakdown talked to me in such a way that I cried with him, and his 2018, filled with failure and clear signs of actual depression did talk to me even further.

My two lights back then were my gf (now wife) and the esports hobby, but SKT's S8 took away one of those lights and my depression nearly buried my relationship.

Now in S9, SKT comes back, doesn't win MSI but they fight so hard and well, not to mention my life as a whole has recovered too!

The one thing i wish for at this point (and that does make me nervous as hell) is for SKT and especially, Faker, to completely erase that ghost from 2017 and come back swinging, just like I did.

SKT fighting!

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