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Can SKT keep up with the top contenders at MSI 2019?

Korea’s powerhouse still needs to work out some kinks in the armor.

Yesterday, we said that SKT fans shouldn’t worry too much about their team’s chances at MSI. It’s still relatively early in the tournament and no matter how great SKT looked in Korea, international competition will always be a different kind of beast to conquer.

Many fans and analysts can’t help but wonder how strong SKT truly are, especially with how their third day of games went. It seems like the LCK’s 2019 Spring Split champions haven’t been able to adapt to the playstyles of the best teams at MSI, namely G2 Esports and Invictus Gaming.


Joe "JDKINETON" Kinetonex-gosugamers employee, still help out every now and then. CSGO PR: [email protected] Gosugamers Support: [email protected]

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