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Stunning League of Legends cosplay perfectly recreates the deadliest K/DA member Evelynn

Riot Games launched League of Legends K/DA skin line at the tail end of 2018, which gave the cosplay community a whole branch of inspiration to work around but it feels like we hit the pinnacle with this Evelynn design.

The League of Legends team released the wildly popular K/DA line in celebration of the host country for the 2018 Worlds Championship, South Korea, leading to a series of incredible cosplays mirroring the fictional K-Pop group.

While the skin line only produced a handful of skins for Akali, Evelynn, Ahri and Kai’Sa, it hasn’t stopped fans from giving their own unique twists for the pop sensations.


Joe "JDKINETON" Kinetonex-gosugamers employee, still help out every now and then. CSGO PR: [email protected] Gosugamers Support: [email protected]

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