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GGS Froggen about Crown: “I still see him more as a Malzahar player rather than a Viktor player.

You guys just defeated FOX with Viktor. Why the Viktor pick? What makes him viable currently?

I think there are a lot of mid champions that are viable. I’ve played 10 games of LCS and 8 different champions. There’s many champions where I’m like, damn this is pretty good, or this works in this scenario. I think especially on red side you can open up depending on what the enemy team is picking. There are so many mid laners that only play 3 or 4 different champions that you kind of know what they’re going to play depending on their composition, and that just opens up a lot of picks to play against them. Viktor and Corki was a popular matchup in 2017 when I was playing. It’s not like it’s unplayable for Corki but Viktor will have pressure in lane and we had a lot of cc from Kalista, Alistar, Lee Sin and Urgot with his AOE fear. 


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