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Riot reveals League’s VS event for 2019—Cats vs. Dogs

Continuing on from the chain of major reveals so far this weekend, Riot Games posted another Roadmap video on Nexus, the game dev’s official editorial platform for League of Legends.

The past two roadmap videos posted by Riot each focused on different parts of the game, with the first being for champions and the second being for the game’s lore. Today’s, however, focused on skins and events—and one of the biggest reveals of the video was for this year’s VS event, which, in our opinion, is the best one Riot has ever done. And yes, we know the event isn’t actually out yet. We just know it’ll be the best one ever, because instead of huge, philosophical battles between chaos and order or darkness and light, this year’s is about something far superior: Dogs vs. cats.


Joe "JDKINETON" Kinetonex-gosugamers employee, still help out every now and then. CSGO PR: [email protected] Gosugamers Support: [email protected]

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