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'League of Legends' Nexus Blitz Is Getting a 1v1 and 2v2 Event

Riot Games is adding a 1v1 and 2v2 event to League of Legends’ Nexus Blitz mode that forces a few champions to fight while everyone else watches.

Following a confirmation that the experimental League of Legends game mode would get more events for players to partake in, Riot Games gave some insight into those new activities and revealed the dueling event. League of Legends design director Riot Meddler said on the game’s boards that the next iteration of Nexus Blitz will feature “a new event where champs are matched up in a series of 2v2s and 1v1s while the rest of the game watches.”

The Rioter shared the image below as a visual for what the “Prize Fight” event will look like in-game,


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