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I would rather have longer queues if it meant I got more balanced teams.

I understand that the average MMR of each team in a game is always relatively equal, but it's extremely depressing to queue up for 10 minutes as a diamond 2 player, and get autofilled with a non-smurf D5 and a 300LP masters on the same team (both autofilled).

Maybe this is because I'm playing at 8am EST on a wednesday, but I would rather wait 30 minutes and get 5 D2s vs 5 D2s than have this extreme range of elo in my games. 300LP masters and a D5 in the same game is as if a plat 2 and a gold 5 got on the same team.

Edit: The idea is that I would rather have a longer wait time for higher quality games, than a shorter wait time for lower quality games.

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