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The Totally Legit Nunu Rework

Hi guys Riot Hardstuck here with the new rework for Nunu! We wanted to make sure we kept the core Nunu audience on board by keeping what is appealing about him but also trying to update him more to modern League of Legends. Let's get right in!

Nunu - The God of Yetis

Lore: Nunu is the god of Yetis from Mount FuckYou. His brother is SuperMario and his sister is Jhin. He hates Zoe, but don't we all. The reason he is in the summoners rift was because the summoners captured him and wait no scrap this last part. He lost his wife to Noxus and wants revenge on \rolls a dice*) pre-rework Sion.

Context: Most people thought Nunu was the yeti and not the boy, so to clear up confusion we just got rid of the boy and made Nunu the yeti. His in depth relationships with other characters plucked out of thin air help us to retcon even more lore to make sure players have no idea what the fuck is going on, so they don't question how the game ties into anything at all. You will get to explore this lore in Nunu's extensive 900 hour voice lines, however you will only ever hear one in game which is a pun on the word "yeti" that an intern made up and was subsequently fired for.

Passive: You won't like me when I'm angry -

Nunu no longer has mana, but instead has rage, every third auto attack increases his rage by 1.

Context: A lot of our silver balance team complained that they always ran out of mana on Nunu when playing him, so we made all his abilities free to cost and gave him a resource bar instead.

Passive: True Visionary

Nunu can see the outcome of a game in champ select.

Context: Visionary was a very important part of Nunus identity, but as he no longer has mana we wanted to give him something truly unique. Hence True Visionary.

Q: Consume (10/9/8/7/6 Second Cooldown)

Nunu does 100/200/300/400/500(+0.7AP) true damage to any monster or minion. If he has over 100 rage then he can target champions, but this costs 50 rage. If when he loses 50 rage he is under 100 rage this will slow nunu down for 10% of his movement speed unless he is in the river in which case he will actually gain 5% movement speed and 10AD. If this ability is used in the 34th minute on an enemy Nasus while he is q'ing a canon minion you automatically win the game.

Context: We felt consume was a bit basic and lacked a lot of flavor, so we made it more rewarding to skillful players. We didn't want to change much as it was such a core part of the identity of Nunus kit.

W: Mobility Creep Ehhhhhh.... Yeti Jump? (No Cooldown)

Nunu jumps a ridiculous distance.

Context: N/A

E: Ice Blast (Range:550)(8/7/7/6/6/5 Second Cooldown)

Nunu launches a ball of ice at an enemy unit, dealing damage and temporarily slowing their Movement and Attack Speeds.

Nunu launches a ball of ice at an enemy unit, dealing 80/120/160/200/240 (+90% Ability Power) magic damage and slowing their Movement Speed by 40/45/50/55/60% and Attack Speed by 25% for 2 seconds.


Context: Here at riot our NUMBER ONE priority when reworking champions is to make sure that anything that was point and click becomes a skillshot. We really love bullet time games and hopefully with enough time League will be classified as one.

R: Absolute Zero Counterplay (300/200/100 Second Cooldown)

Nunu consumes all his rage and true freezes every champion on the map for that many seconds (eg if he had 3 rage he would freeze everyone for 3 seconds.) When they are true frozen, enemy champions are immune but cannot move or use abilities.

Context: Can't wait to buff this in the next 5 patches until we have to release a hot fix to stop pro players killing themselves. BTW next legendary skin is for Nunu alright peace out.

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