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Team Liquid AD carry Doublelift sounds off on League's current meta

League of Legends' bottom lane is not how you last remember it.

Instead of hyper-carries sharpshooting their way to the late-game, we are left in a meta where up is down and down is up. Say goodbye to Caitlyn, Kog'Maw and a majority of the AD carries outside of a select few who can still withstand the laning phase, and say hello to your new bottom lane carries: Yasuo, Mordekaiser, Brand, Vladimir and pretty much anything else you can think of. If it can do damage, it can now go bottom lane, and we've entered the strangest meta since the early days of professional League of Legends play, with the likes of SK Telecom T1 legend Lee "Faker" Sang-hyeok playing support Taric in the mid lane and going bottom lane with Darius.


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