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An ADC's Point of View on Top Lane

An ADC's Point of View On Top Lane

I've seen a lot of posts recently about why playing top lane feels unhealthy, and as an ADC player I'd like to throw in a few of my own thoughts and preferences on the subject.

Typical ADC Always Making It About Them :)

The META for top lane is extremely annoying right now. From my point of view it is a battle of what characters can abuse game mechanics and itemizations the most.

Let's be honest, top lane is either:

  1. Lethality: Let's cheese them with the Wukong/Pantheon one shot.

Wukong WR: 52.93% (6th Highest) Pantheon WR: 52.79% (9th Highest)

  1. Ninja Tabi/Bramblevest: You'll never kill me now. Hit me, hurt yourself, and cry!

Maokai WR: 53.89% (4th Highest) Malphite WR: 52.82 (7th Highest)

  1. Range: Teemo has a 54.25% win rate (3rd Highest) and guess what I am going tank. LITERALLY BECAUSE IT COUNTERS REASON 1 AND 2. Health fucks Lethality and Magic Damage equals no Ninja Tabi and Bramblevest. They have to build Adaptive Helm, BUT WAIT... TEEMO IS GOING AD WITH FROZEN MALLET?

(Kayle has a 53.34%, 5th Highest WR)

  1. Champions that are broken or do it all.

Malzahar WR: 54.39% (1st Highest) - I am here for the anti-fun. Also, magic damage. - Just, in my opinion, a broken kit. Could go support and still have a positive win rate.

Yorick WR: 54.37% (2nd Highest) - Doesn't need to melee, can send ghosts. - Percent health magic damage burn, on big ghost. - Can build Triforce and beat you with a shovel. - Can build Ninja Tabi and Thornmail. - Builds lots of health. - Lots of healing. - Can trap you with ghosts. - Literally no one knows how you work. - Can kill Teemo.

In My Opinion: Bruisers really need some love right now because as much as I love hitting Ornn and literally killing myself, it doesn't feel good to play against. In my opinion it often doesn't feel like I am losing to skill, but as I said abuse of game mechanics or itemizations. So as an ADC, I find it very difficult to find areas to improve in when dealing with top laners.

Suggestion: If I were to suggest something I'd make Press the Attack increased to 20% for melee only, that way they could deal with the tanks better because to be honest they already lost a lot when Fervor of Battle disappeared.

That'd buff: (Current WR) Renekton: 47.65% Fiora: 47.90% Aatrox: 48.05% Darius: 48.07% Riven: 48.43% Olaf: 48.66% Tryndamere: 48.90% Trundle: 49.13% Camille: 49.25% Jax: 50.10% Irelia: 50.90%

To name a few... and honestly I don't even think that would help enough.

Might want to adjust some prices too because...

Trinity Force, Sterak's Gage, and Titanic Hydra = 3733 + 3500 + 3200 = 10,433 Gold

Infinity Edge, Static Shiv, and Rapidfire Cannon = 3400 + 2600 + 2600 = 8,600 Gold

It's way more expensive for a top lane bruiser to get to their peak power spikes and honestly, it's not even as big.

On top of that, it's often harder to farm top if you're getting abused.

I honestly don't think the lane is as skill dependent as it once was or could be. It doesn't surprise me why people don't enjoy playing it.

But what do I know? — I really don't play the lane. I just look at the numbers. Take everything that's been said with a grain of salt.

Edit: Is there any point in a game where bruisers are stronger than their tank counterparts?

Edit 2: I really don't know how to fix top lane. I threw suggestions to the wind, but regardless, the point is rather to show how broken it feels to play in. I really don't understand why a tank can out trade and out sustain someone like Fiora.

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