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LoL9 years ago

Team EnVyUs unveils their debut League of Legends roster

The question of who will be filling the recently vacated Renegades LCS spot finally has an answer. Team EnVyUs announced they had acquired the spot along with leftover Renegades players. Shin "Seraph" Woo-yeong, Noh "Ninja" Geon-woo, and Nickolas "Hakuho" Surgent move over from Renegades and join Benjamin "LOD" deMunck, Zach "Nien" Malhas, and Kim "Procxin" Se-young to complete the team's roster.

It is currently unknown who will be the starting ADC for the team between Nien and LOD, and the team may be looking to test both player's performance in the first few games of the Summer Split. The ability to swap players in and out of roles may be critical to the teams success in the long run.

Nien has a history of being inconsistent with his play, which has lead to him often being replaced or moved to the sub roster. Procxin has had his inconsistent moments as well which leaves an element of volatility to the lineup. Thats not to say that either player is bad, but when each game counts towards playoffs, you have to show up time and consistently produce results. 

Overall, it seems like EnVyUs saw an opportunity to piece together an experienced team with a guaranteed spot in the Summer Split (due to the Renegades ban) by recruiting members from both teams recently hit by bans. With so few top-tier players still available, the squad is taking somewhat of a gamble on what can best be described as a ragtag gang of (ex) Misfits

The 2016 Spring Split saw a large divide between the top and lower half teams, and the Summer Split is now full of new teams and faces. It's yet to be seen if EnVyUs' gamble will pay off in such a crowded North American scene.

As the Renegades before them showed through a solid final-stretch run, however, no team is to be underestimated.