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SK and Fnatic join Alliance at first place

Fnatic and ROCCAT found wins to pull themselves back into the LCS after slumps.  Then SK Gaming reversed their loss to Gambit in the rematch.


Fnatic continue their upswing with wards, wards, wards, and towers.  They avoided going for kills and instead went to take towers where they were available.  Millenium seemed to not expect this tight version of Fnatic, as they were consistently out-rotated.
At the end of the game, sOAZ and xPeke flanked entrances to the Baron area while the rest of his team took it.  Two members of Fnatic were able to thrash Millenium's team one by one, and Fnatic came out with the victory.
Yet another slow, low kill game occurred between ROCCAT and the Copenhagen Wolves.  Instead of taking abuse from YoungBuck's Shyvana, Xaxus' AP Gragas top took to roaming early to pick up assist gold.  With early lane pressure from Lucian and Gragas' roam, ROCCAT picked up the first three outer turrets within twenty minutes as well as a couple dragons.
Nidalee and Gragas could easily clear waves and siege as the game progressed.  They poked down the enemy team and set wards with their high mobility composition.  ROCCAT could easily chip at turrets and players as the game continued, taking clean objectives and ending the game with only nine kills and one death.
Largely the most anticipated match of the day, SK and Gambit took to the rift to hold LCS' first remade game.  Knowing Genja would likely pick up Varus with Lucian eliminated, SK Gaming forced him onto the pick and came out with a strong early composition designed to gank and snowball bottom lane.  Success came in the execution as SK found early kills and dragons, catapulting their control into the mid game.
In team phase, Svenskeren's Pantheon ults proved the perfect re-engagement tool after Gambit initiated a fight.  SK Gaming found smart turns on their team fights as Gambit played into their hands.  With a large gold lead, SK Gaming pushed out top lane for a victory.

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