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Cloud 9 and Curse end Superweek in style

In the final games, Cloud 9 defeated CLG in a brawl, and Curse sieged their way to victory over Evil Geniuses.

This game was mostly an out-and-out brawl on both sides.  Meteos began by focusing bottom lane and getting kills on Doublelift and Aphromoo, but he overcommitted on the occasional dive.  Similar mistakes were made across the map by both teams, but C9 managed to come ahead in objectives, acquiring all dragons.

As fights continued, Cloud 9 eked out a lead.  Doublelift in particular had a bad game, as he approached fights from poor angles, and gave up several kills.  As the game wound down, Cloud 9 eventually rushed CLG's base and took the game with a handy Gragas ultimate.

The game began in Curse's favor with a gank top, resulting in a kill.  From there, the game remained somewhat even for the first ten minutes, but tiny skirmishes broke out around the map, giving Curse kill advantages.

And though Voyboy started outbehind Pobelter's Riven, even with nerfs, Kassadin's ramp up is  steep.  He was able to reach the point where he could do damage safely.  He and the rest of his team transitioned their lane advantages to close out the game.

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