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Fnatic continues to stumble in Week 6


Fnatic laid out a hard engage and pick composition, but all their hard work was nearly invalidated by the Morgana pickup on the side of Supa Hot Crew.  Even so, Fnatic found early kills with the use of teleport, and it began to look like this would be their comeback game.
Unfortunately for Fnatic, the Crew managed to band together and take objectives while Fnatic focused on kills.  Their superior shot-calling and the coordination of Migxa's Black Shield to ruin Fnatic's engage plans made them shine in this game and eventually led them to victory.
Like Fnatic, SK Gaming took control early, but eventually lost their way to poor shotcalling.  CandyPanda's Caitlyn took early turrets, and Wickd struggled against fredy122.  Froggen began to roam the map, however, showing a new side of himself and picking up kills.
This allowed Alliance to stay in the game as SK Gaming began to make mistakes.  They over-stayed their welcome in sieges, and Wickd and Froggen were able to find squishy targets.  Alliance came back quickly and held their reputation for winning in even numbered weeks.

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