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LoL11 years ago

GoDlike moves to North America

GoDlike, previous top laner for Royal Club Huang Zu, joins their sister team in their move to North America.  Other changes to the team include new title sponsorship under iBUYPOWER.

Previously, we learned that LMQ Tian Ci would be coming to North America.  New developments in this move have come to light, including the departure of Yao "Dreams" Yuan in the top lane and the acquisition of previous Royal Club Huang Zu and famous Renekton player, Xiao "GoDlike" Wang in his place.  It is unclear who will replace him on Royal Club Huang Zu, though since members seem to switch between the sister teams liberally, it may be Dreams.

The team has also acquired a new title sponsor, and they now go by the name LMQ iBUYPOWER.  iBUYPOWER has helped them acquire a gaming house, where they are attempting to adapt to the culture.

onGamers managed to get an interview with Eno Li, LMQ's owner, who sited the fans as one of their decisions to move to the United States.  He claims that "the fans are very enthusiastic and give them strength when they are competing."

For now, LMQ iBUYPOWER plans to compete in the Coke Zero League, but their true goal is the Summer Split of the LCS.  Preparing for the LCS competition isn't the only plan the team has for the summer.  When asked about Jian "Uzi" Zi-Hao's interest in joining the team, Eno Li conveyed that that was a definite possibility.

Before we came over, we reached out to Uzi through Royal, and he is very interested in coming to compete in North America. He really missed the whole atmosphere and great fans at Worlds. He is focusing on LPL Spring Split for now, but when Summer Split comes, we will try our best to reach out to him and hopefully have him transferred over to compete in North America.
—Eno Li, onGamers interview


With so much talent moving to North America, one can only hope the scene will receive some much needed rejuvenation.  Though Eno Li stated that LMQ iBUYPOWER hopes to learn from North American players, it is likely that they can teach amateur and LCS teams a few things in their new region.


ChinaXiao "GoDlike" Wang (Top)
ChinaZhou "NoName" Qi-Lin (Jungle)
ChinaYu "XiaoWeiXiao"  Xian (Mid)
ChinaLi "SWXG" Wei-Jun (Marksman)
ChinaZhang "Mor" Hong-Wei (Support)

Source: onGamers