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LoL11 years ago

Olaf and Syndra globally banned in competitive play

Christopher "MonteCristo" Mykles spread the word today that both Olaf and Syndra will receive global bans in League of Legends due to a number of bugs found which corrupt the gameplay.

The information was quickly confirmed by J.T. TiZa Vandenbree, eSports Coordinator and head referee of the NA LCS at Riot Games, including the important tidbit that neither champion will be active at the Intel Extreme Masters Cologne event, coming up this weekend in Cologne, Germany.

Olaf's bug consisted of a neat little trick. If both the Q and a Ward were activated at the same time, a second axe would spawn further down the line and reset the combination at the same time. Likewise, Syndra's bug was tied in with a problem of the Q+E combination, which dealt more damage than the game should allow for. MonteCristo explained that neither champion would be viable for competitive play at the OGN earlier today and will remain banned globally until the end of the weekend.



Riot TiZa chimed in, saying that today's Preseason 4 patch should hopefully fix the issues with Olaf and Syndra, which is set to be introduced at 06:00 CET this evening. However, it remains to be seen if indeed all issues will be removed from the game. Right now it's not yet confirmed if the upcoming Battle of the Atlantic will be afflicted in any way, although it seemed TiZa is hopeful tomorrow they should be up for play once more.

Check out some YouTube videos of both champions' bugs below:

Olaf's Q+Ward bug

Syndra's Q+E Combo bug


We will keep you posted about any major updates concerning these bugged champions and their viability for competitive play.