As one of the first to be subjected to a second "Grilled" Interview, Brandon "Saintvicious" DiMarco elaborates on his thoughts on North America, their performance at Worlds, and more.
Saintvicious is one of many League of Legends eSport veterans who has stimulated hype and excitement within the scene in their prime but are retiring or losing interest in playing the game after three long years. Saintvicious opens up on his thoughts on CLG and admits that it could have been better if HotshotGG had left the team as a player long before he made the decision to, replacing him with Voyboy then.
He then continues to talk about CLG in it's different periods and gives his honest opinion about how he feels about "overhyped" teams, such as Moscow 5 in their prime. Saintvicious still gives praise to his favorite player who he felt was the undisputed best player in the world in Season 1, Miko "bigfatlp" Tang.
Closing out the interview was Saintvicious claiming that if Steve "Chauster" Chau still had the motivation and drive to practice the game outside of scrims and professional play, his pairing with Doublelift would still be the strongest bottom lane he's had experience playing with.
Source - Acer eSports