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Pobelter kicked from Curse

Photo: Cameron Carson
After some major changes to the Curse lineup, Pobelter, mostly recently playing in the mid lane, has been removed from the organization.
Curse Gaming has undergone grave shifts recently with their team changing nearly every player on the former primary team, sans Voyboy. With such major changes, the team looked as if they had finally decided on a new starting lineup. With plenty of time before the next season starts, Curse Gaming's new lineup did not last long, though, as the organization thought the amount of time Pobelter was able to spend with the team to be troubling.
Eugene "Pobelter" Park, now former solo laner for Curse, has thus been removed from the team. Pobelter himself had announced on his Twitter that he was getting kicked from the organization due to him attending school. This caused his teammates to have concerns with the amount of practice they would be able to have. With Pobelter removed from their lineup, Curse will be looking once again for potential new teammates.
Curse current roster
United States Voyboy (Top/Mid)
United States IWillDominate (Jungle)
Venezuela Quas (Mid/Top)
United States Cop (AD)
United States Zekent (Support)
United States Rhus (Sub)
United States Swain Gretzky (Sub)
United States OneBadBrad (Sub)
United States Only Jaximus (Sub)

Source: Pobelter's Twitter

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