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LoL11 years agoDreXxiN

SKT T1 starts the day crushing through Group A


SKT T1 comes back more dominant than ever, increasing their performance; however, they did not start 2-0 without a strong fight from Team Solomid.

LD vs. SKT

The day started off as interesting as we might expect with Faker going mid Riven and Impact going top as Singed.  Unfortunately for them, Faker fed first blood and gave an early advantage to Tabzz' Caitlyn.  Impact did an excellent job rotating as Singed to keep pressure everywhere on the map.  While Faker had some issue with his unique pick early, it wouldn't take long for him to pick up his performance.

It wouldn't take long for today's entry game to look similar to the status of yesterday's games.  Lemondogs quickly slipped in performance and gave SKT T1 the majority of the map under their control.  Punishing even the most basic mistakes, SKT T1 was able to crush the Europeans down.

OMG vs. GG

OMG vs. GamingGear EU is just a classic case of one team completely trumping the other in skill.  OMG came into the game incredibly prepared and used Royal Club's signature pick of Annie support.  In just twenty minutes, OMG was up nearly 10k gold over GG and completely washed them out of the game.  Every single lane won individually and OMG secured their undefeated lead.


Probably the game everyone was waiting for, TSM vs. SKT started off with interesting drafts straight away; TSM locked in support Annie and SKT went with Faker on Riven mid again as well as a Jax top.  Meanwhile, Dyrus would have bad luck with top Karthus, handing a free kill to Bengi on Lee Sin early.

While Team Solomid gave SKT T1 a run for their money in the mid game, one bad teamfight would turn everything sour.  What we did learn was WildTurtle's incredible composure on the world stage, though.  When Impact ran solo bottom, Team Solomid did not know how to respond.  They were not able to engage 5v4 or stop Impact bottom, resulting in three turrets and an inhibitor turret.  After that, it just continued to snowball.




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