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The Good, the Bad, and the Weird: 4/6-4/9

The Good

Amazingx's great escape

It's not quite as good as InSec's Lee Sin, but Amazing certainly still has the touch when it comes to the Blind Monk. First, he effectively brute-forces a gank mid, somehow pulling out first blood with a little help from Nisqy. However, he's already used his Flash and is trapped between a tower and Memento's Graves. Somehow, Amazing pulls off the escape. He jumps away from Memento with a well-placed Sonic Wave on an enemy minion, then immediately Safeguards to Kikis to avoid the incoming Graves Flash-autoattack. Getting first blood and blowing the enemy jungler's Flash at the same time? Nicely done.

Huhi and the Star Forger

When CLG Huhi locked in Aurelion Sol for their first match against FlyQuest, the question on everyone's mind was "can he still play that champion?" It'd been a long time since Huhi'd brought out the Star Forger in a professional match, and it wouldn't be too surprising to learn that he'd abandoned the champion.

Turns out, Huhi definitely still plays Aurelion Sol. He secured a kill in every lane, kept Hai from ever roaming, and dealt a whopping 45% of his team's total damage in that first game. A 12/1/8 KDA - and a fully stacked Dark Seal in his inventory - is a testament to just how dominant Huhi was on the Star Forger. FlyQuest ended up banning Aurelion Sol in every game after the first to keep Huhi from completely shutting them out of the series. It's a shame CLG lost - I want to see a lot more of Huhi's Aurelion Sol in the future.

The Bad

Dying once can be embarassing, but it's usually just a fact of the game. Dying the instant you respawn? That's a little worse.

MFA CozQ went for an aggressive pick onto OG Cinkrof, but got instakilled by Naehyun's Command: Shockwave. Okay, that's fine. But then, sixty seconds later, he teleports to a ward to try and continue the Elder Dragon fight and gets immediately killed by Naehyun's Shockwave again. Some would call that unlucky, but I'd say that was just a plain bad Teleport. It's a good thing Misfits Academy didn't need their midlaner for two full minutes of the game.

The Weird

P1 and DIG's wet noodle fight

Who wins when two tanks fight each other? I don't know, but the answer is definitely "not the people watching it happen." Following the Elder Dragon attempt, DIG and P1 enter a hotly contested teamfight that leaves three dead on both sides. The survivors? P1 Zig on Nautilus, accompanied by his jungler Inori, and DIG Ssumday on Shen with his support Xpecial.

What happened next brought to mind the age-old joke: "What happens when two tanks fight? Nothing." The four remaining champions flail around at each other, dealing next to zero damage despite the Elder Dragon buff, for almost another full minute. Dignitas should have been looking to disengage and defend their base, but instead they decided that committing to a tank fight was a good use of their time. Definitely one of the weirdest - and hilarious - moments of the season.

Wait, Fnatic won?

H2K have been the third-best team in the EU LCS forever, and Fnatic were thoroughly mid-tier this split. Their match in the playoffs was guaranteed to be an H2K win. Instead, Fnatic not only pull off the win, but crush their opponents in three games. We all expected a three-game sweep, but I certainly don't think we expected it to go quite like this.

What's even weirder than that are Fnatic's champion picks. Twitch? Vayne? Someone not named Huhi playing Aurelion Sol? What gives? Fnatic must've beat H2K just through sheer force of weird. I guess G2'll need to prepare for offball picks this weekend.

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