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LoL10 years agoDreXxiN

W5D3 -- Week 5 comes to an end, Young Glory find their momentum


If you're simply interested in spoiler-free VODs:

YG vs. OMG Game 1
YG vs. OMG Game 2
EDG vs. WE Game 1
EDG vs. WE Game 2
English VOD

*These games were played on Patch 4.10.


MVP Scores

MVP Score / Kills / Assists / Deaths / KDA / Gold / CS


Match Context: Young Glory may have been struggling at the bottom of the standings, but their strategical play has improved substantially since the start of the split and Diangun has really stepped it up as a carry for the team.  Meanwhile, OMG enters the game off the back of a slumped defeat at IEM, having gone 0-2 against their biggest rivals for first place, EDG.

Key Points:

  • YG runs a very tanky and safe composition where OMG's late-game scaling is superior.
  • The game kicks off with lots of action from both sides. Constant battles persist for nearly 10 minutes straight.
  • Despite being a late game focused team composition, OMG get 2 dragons in under 11 minutes.
  • OMG does an excellent job in teamfights using DaDa as bait to clean up fights while he narrowly survives.
  • Despite the deficit, YG was doing a good job with keeping up in towers.
  • OMG seize full control of the game after acquiring baron.


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Key Points:

  • This time around, YG juggles the early dragon and acquires it for free.
  • OMG didn't enter the game well rounded, especially due to being full AD against a solid anti-AD and Yasuo team.
  • Young Glory's roam play pays off due to OMG slacking on ward coverage.
  • For some reason, San decides to go blue Ezreal. The poke is strong but Kog's damage from YG's side is a lot more powerful.
  • Diangun has one of the best games of his career, hard carrying his team with his surprise Riven pick.
  • YG pull up a collosal upset by taking a win over OMG, and decisively.


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Key Points:

  • World Elite runs a very balanced composition, utilizing Jayce mid, who Ninja got a pentakill on earlier in the week. EDG runs a much more late-game oriented comp
  • World Elite establish an early lead by juggling dragon and taking it.
  • EDG puts their support with their top laner and lets Namei solo lane, but Caomei still manages to take out Koro.  Meanwhile WE's Ninja grabs a solo kill on U.
  • World Elite secure a further lead by taking the second dragon as soon as it spawns, but sacrifice their top tower.
  • EDG come back into the game by focusing heavily on bottom lane, roaming and picking up a tower, and then rotating mid.
  • ClearLove finds an excellent lockdown onto WE, giving him huge kill participation and allowing his team to come back into the game.
  • EDG find a crucial teamfight win by baron pit, completely swinging the game around and giving them control of baron.
  • WE almost finds a turnaround by quickly bursting baron, but ClearLove managed to smite steal it and grab a 5-0 ace. closing out the game.


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Key Points:

  • As Ninja has been playing unique champions like Jayce all week, he ends the LPL's final game by locking in Xerath.
  • EDG starts off aggressively jungling by denying WE's red, in which WE responds doing the same.
  • WE acquires an even earlier dragon than last game.
  • Caomei finds a rough start, which makes his scaling on Jax a very slow road.
  • Lots of teamfights commence all over the map, with Weixiao and Ninja performing extremely well to make up for Caomei's weak early start.
  • In a reverse action from last game, World Elite were able to smite steal World Elite's baron this time.
  • EDG stall out and get the first inhibitor, despite WE's barons.  
  • Due to World Elite's superior scaling and WE's strategy of zerging down U at all costs, WE were able to close the game.

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