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LoL10 years agoDreXxiN

LPL Spring 2014 groups comes to an entertaining conclusion


If you're simply interested in spoiler-free VODs:

EP vs. RC Game 1
EP vs. RC Game 2
WE vs. EDG Game 1
WE vs. EDG Game 2

MVP Scores, Builds, & CS

MVP Score / Kills / Assists / Deaths / KDA / Gold / CS



The first game of the final set between the two teams started out incredibly well for Royal Club with two kills going straight away to Kmi and Nct.  Despite how predictable his gank path was, Kmi was successful in camping bottom and applying absurd amounts of pressure on the map, which allowed for Uzi to be a fed vayne early despite the lane mismatch. 

7 minutes in, the score was 5-0 in favor of Royal Club, but still with no towers to be had by either team.  The first kill for Energy Pacemaker finally happened around this time when Buping was able to secure a gank mid.  Amidst the huge edge for Royal Club, Energy Pacemaker was actually able to grab the first tower of the game.  

Royal Club not being nice to EP's bottom lane.

In response, Royal Club decided to group up and push together at around the 15 minute mark.  Their tremendous strength advantage easily showed over Energy Pacemaker.  The game didn't leave much of an opportunity for Energy Pacemaker to flesh out their play and Royal Club had full control of the game.  

Near baron, Energy Pacemaker were able to catch out Bao and assassinate them, but due to Royal Club's lead, it made no difference and Royal Club were able to win a 4v5 without him, pushing the game and taking the first set of the two games.

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The second game of the set kicked off with a two way invasion with both teams stealing each other's red buffs. Royal Club was bringing out confident picks bottom lane with Uzi commanding Miss Fortune and  Bao pulling out Vel'koz support.  An ealy gank from Buping bottom forced flashes for the Royal bottom lane.

Due to the assistance from his jungler, K4ne found an early lead bottom.  Meanwhile, Kmi's focus was on superc4t in the mid lane, but his super slippery and juke-y Leblanc was able to escape the threads.  Again, Royal Club wanted to end laning phase and did so by playing more aggressively, picking off people in Energy Pacemaker's jungle and taking turrets. 

Royal pushing EP back into their jungle and acquiring some kills in the meantime.

Nct's Syndra play was exquisite and helped Royal Club secure the several victories they were having in skirmishes.  At 24 minutes, Energy Pacemaker fought back, but weren't hasty in turning the kills into objectives.  Fights were a bit sloppily executed back and forth, but Royal Club win a crucial fight directly after and secure a baron.   Following the baron, Royal Club secured a 2nd win.

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Unlike the previous series, this set started off a lot more "traditional" with 4v0 split pushes.  The pushing stopped when an excellent hook from Fzzf's Thresh meant EDG acquired the first two kills, in which Ruo was only able to return with one of his own.  EDG further extended their lead with a flank & gank bottom, acquiring kills and a free dragon.

World Elite's bottom lane was having an unexpected amount of trouble, going a total of 0-4-2 together at the 12 minute mark and making NaMeI really shine.  EDG then took advatange of their lane leads and rotated better as a group.  All five grouped bottom and applied tons of pressure to the bottom turret.

Suk1M performing an uncharacteristically godlike play on Yasuo.

However, EDG were stopped in their tracks when World Elite's suk1M initiated with an uncanny ultimate to wipe out all of EDG essentially.  World Elite managed to get a positioning advantage for baron, but they were quickly pushed out by EDG. 

EDG were getting the best of the majority of the fights, acquiring a free baron at around 36 minute mark.  World Elite were able to successfully stall out the full baron duration, but eventually, EDG 's siege was too hard to hold off and World Elite succumbed to the victory of EDG.

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The final game of the LPL's spring split for the group stage would end with a bang.  Crazy picks commenced with fireloli on Kayle top, Clearlove playing AP Sejuani in the jungle, and a Blitzcrank + Jayce bottom lane for Namei and Fzzf. Caomei was also able to show how strong his Irelia is, which was undefeated prior to this game.

Weixiao found an early lead and got revenge on his former support, but ClearLove was applying tons of pressure and was quick to grab his Spectral Wraith after helping greatly on his Sejuani jungle.  Edward Gaming returned with aggressive dives.  However, EDG pulled Fireloli from top to roam, which made him gold starved and allowed Caomei to free farm.

You're still tanking it, bro.

Caomei's unbelievable Irelia strength really was able to shine when teamfights began and his impact in teamfights was far greater than Fireloli's Kalye.  World Elite began pulling ahead in towers and kills around 17 minutes.  Suk1m's Mejai's on Syndra as well as Weixiao's Sword of the Occult on Lucian were able to begin stacking.

With World Elite's dominance in teamfights, EDG were slowly losing grip of the game.  After a game ending ace where all of World Elite barely live, the team was able to back and then close out the game, evening the set to 1-1.

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