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LoL10 years agoDreXxiN

LPL Week 8 ends with a bite back from the underdogs


If you're simply interested in spoiler-free VODs:

EDG vs. PE Game 1
EDG vs. PE Game 2
OMG vs. EP Game 1
OMG vs. EP Game 2

MVPs, Scores, Builds, & CS

MVP Score / Kills / Assists / Deaths / KDA / Gold / CS



The first "top vs. bottom" matchup would start off pretty standard for the new patch, with a four man top and four man bottom taking out the outer and inner side turrets for both teams.  Neither team stopped there though, and proceeded onto the inhibitor towers and then the inhibitor. Positive Energy was forced to back off earlier, which allowed EDG to get some damage onto PE's inhibitor, though it'd regenerate itself regardless.

EDG were able to further push their advantage by withdrawing and taking the dragon, which still left them slightly behind due to PE's jungler taking out U. The second dragon wouldn't be quite as free for EDG -- in fact, Positive Energy picked up several kills for it and surmounted a huge lead, following up by taking the dragon directly after.

Despite inhibitor's getting beat on 4 minutes in, the game was an hour long conflict.

At 15 minutes, things weren't looking fantastic for EDG due to the 6-0 start stemming from the dragon blunder. After poking down PE from the mid lane, EDG were able to continue sieging towers despite their now significant disadvantage in gold. Luckily for EDG, they didn't ever stay too far down in actual objectives, but they did have to go through an enormously strong frontline in Aluka, scoring in at 6-0-1 and 24 minutes.

The game continued on this course for awhile, with EDG slowing crawling their way up in gold but still down in kills.  Positive Energy still showed they need lots of work to close out a game.  EDG were able to manipulate the waves properly and siege , but after an amazing engage by Ycc and attempted "xPeke" attempt by Fzzf, PE came out on top over Fzzf and the winions, taking the nexus first.

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Following EDG's first loss, they decided to roll with comfort picks. Positive Energy got the first blood with a gank onto Koro early.  Meanwhile, for once, bottom lane consisted of a fight between both duos. Ycc was on fire and helped pick up a kill to bring advantage to Positive Energy's bottom lane in a moment of revenge against PE's old marksman.

Positive Energy continued to be unusually confident and aggressive, invading EDG's red side jungle for even more kills. Clearlove and Namei had to me the ones to put the team on their backs as U fell behidn in farm and Koro suffered death from early camping. The early and midgame was completely in positive Energy's control, as 15 minutes in, they were also at 3 towers to 0.

Positive Energy's confidence from last game's win resulted in a very aggressive and confident approach this game.

Clearlove made further attempts to help his team back in the game by counter-ganking in a timely matter whenever EDG were caught out of position.  U also made attemts to roam and were catching back up in kills to Positive Energy, but not towers or gold. EDG did end up eventually winning in exchanges however due to U's ability to catch out Positive Energy's ADC.

Namei's teamfight potential on Twitch really started to shine as the game went on.  Positive Energy faltered when they overstayed their welcome and  got caught out taking the middle inhibitor turret.  At this point, EDG's siege  was too strong and they closed out the game for a 1-1, but not without Positive Energy putting up quite a fight in what was no way a stomp of a series.

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As EDG had dropped a game to Positive Energy, it was up to OMG to hold the fort down at the top of the ladder and play perfectly against Energy Pacemaker.  Once again, a lane swap occured and both inner and outer towers for the side lanes dropped relatively early -- thankfully, no inhibitor towers were harmed.  

The monotony of the early game would be broken when OMG would show territorial dominance over dragon, acquiring it and a few kills along with it. OMG's aggressive rotations meant middle tower sieging power.  While OMG suffered a loss, Allen became quite rich, as one of the only remaining LPL supports who regularly pick Annie.

AmazingJ at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Again, surprisingly the game asn't turning out to be one sided.  OMG had the early lead but Energy Pacemaker were still rather close in kills and objectives.  However, professional League is a game of inches and the future encounters would show that.   With a few misplays and being caught out of position, OMG secured a very heavy lead in terms of gold and kills. After taking middle inhibitor, it was only a m atter of time before OMG took the first game.

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This time, Energy Pacemaker started off on the slightly stronger foot.  Ggoing ran Mundo top for the first time we've seen in quite some time. Energy Pacemaker was not coming off strong in skirmishes however, and the first fight near OMG's red side jungle made that apparent.   To make matters worse, the gold distribution from those kill sall went to the two carries on OMG.

Albeit being a bit behind in farm early on, Xiyang was able to shine as the game progressed.  San did not hit his usual spotlight that he managed last week due to the heavy focus and camp on him in the bottom lane.  OMG were grouping early and brilliantly engaging, attempting to take control of towers as well as the kills they were already ahead in.


San was focused hard this game, allowing mid lane to receive the spotlight this time around.

Energy Pacemaker did have the merit of having powerful waveclear, but not enough to hold off an unbelievably fed Xiyang commanding Lulu who not only offered superb utility to her team, but also did loads of damage and was a threat to every member on Energy Pacemaker.  Waveclear wasn't going to stall the game forever for EP, and OMG took a decisive 2-0 set to finish the week of LPL.

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