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LoL11 years agoDreXxiN

LPL W6D2 - Tabe at it again..The 50+ Kill Deathmatch

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End-Game Builds & MVP Rankings




EP vs. RC

The first game of LPL Day 2 kicked off with Royal Club kicking off against Energy Pacemaker with an explosive level 1 fight spanning the first two and a half minutes of the game.  Royal Club continued their trademark strange picks, including Tabe picking an AP support; this time, Cassiopeia.

The level two fight involved 2 kills from both side, and even 4 minutes into the game, there was massive fights going on around the baron area with laning being scarce.  Non-stop brawling would continue to occur throughout the course of early game with kill scores being relatively even and no towers going down.  It was an all out deathmatch.

EP escape freely with a gamechanging baron.

As the game progressed forward, it would become apparent how much of an impact BuPing's Lee Sin was having on Energy Pacemaker's performance.  His score was the best on his team and he participated in the majority of the kills.  Both mid-laners found even success.  Royal Club had an excellent objective based focus by having better jungle control and taking 3 turrets to EP's 1.

The all-out bash would continue on for nearly an hour with back-and-forths from both teams totalling well over 50 kills.  The bloodbath would finally boil down to Energy Pacemaker's superior baron control.  A powerful score from SuperCat and Kane would ensure they had the damage to close out the game and take out Royal Club in a much needed win.

VOD (click for full-screen)


iG vs. PE

Invictus Gaming would try to test the luck they had yesterday with their recent position swap of AP Carry and AD Carry between White and Kid.  Unfortunately this time around, Kid would give up first blood in an excellent gank between Jing and JoJo.  Illusion couldn't provide the same ganking pressure with his Yorick pick.

While Illusion couldn't provide the pressure, he could cleanup and acquired a double kill bottom in a a crucial dive against Positive Energy's solo laner and jungle.  Still, Positive Energy's solo laners thrived and pulled far ahead of Invictus Gaming in terms of dragon, towers, and kills.

Illusion has improved vastly at landing his Cataclysms this season.

Invictus Gaming managed to muster up some kills, but still were having difficulties defending their towers with the lack of waveclear and the vast number of strong dueling champions in Positive Energy's champion roster.  An overzealous baron attempt would find iG crushed with the the buff going to Positive Energy.

With Baron Nashor buff applied so early in the game, Positive Energy woere able to cleanly dive Invictus Gaming without repercussions.  The advantage gathered from the first baron was enough to leave iG unable to take any towers of their own except the one they received early; Positive Energy simply grabbed another baron and cleaned up the game.

VOD (click for full-screen)


OMG vs. WE

Perhaps the second fan-favorite matchup right under WE vs. iG would commence as a prelude to the final game of the day.  The game gets interesting right from the draft phase where OMG actually bans out Misaya's Sion based on his team's performance using the champion yesterday.  Ultimately, both teams decided to go with relatively comfortable picks.

In the level one fight, World Elite would come out two kills ahead and two buffs up, forming a significant early game advantage over OMG. Misaya's Karthus would start with a blue buff advantage. When LoveLin was able to offer his presence, OMG quickly caught up in kills, two of them going to bottom and two of them going to top.

Caomei's Slicing Maelstroms have been on-point.

Even though World Elite had a massive advantage to kick off the early game, OMG were quickly finding their way back into the game with a tower advantage and superior teamfighting. Misaya did manage to grab an advantage in kills, but OMG were still bring superior sieging capabilities.

41 minutes into the game, OMG were able to secure a crucial baron.  OMG systematically split push the lanes in a 4-1 manner, slowly widdling down the remaining buildings of World Elite. After acquiring the majority of the buffs across the map, World Elite couldn't keep up with the engages OMG were making in WE's jungle and eventually the game was closed out.


VOD (click for full-screen)


YG vs. LMQ

In the final game of the day, Young Glory would find an early advantage against LMQ with a 2 kill lead before the 5 minute mark.  Syz was on a roll, having participated in both of those kills in an early game and establishing an early advantage.  Young Glory grouped up early top to attempt a take on the tower, but LMQ came swiftly to its defense.

Young Glory's overzealous attempts to take the tower early allowed LMQ to catch up in gold and allowed for Vayne to acquire some much needed items.  The game went back in forth in what looked to be one of the closest games in the Summer Split.  Young Glory had a better gold spread, but LMQ's hyper carry had a 4-1-1 score 16 minutes in and was an extreme threat to the melee composition of Young Glory.

The gold was even, but Young Glory generally took more of the initiative.

By 22 minutes in, LMQ secured yet another dragon and both teams were still incredibly even in terms of gold and towers.  Where Young Glory had a lead, however, was their map vision.  With superior warding and ward clearing, Young Glory was able to capitalize with a baron and a complete ace.

Suddenly, a very even game turned completely in Young Glory's favor.  Young Glory were able to split push every lane and take a commanding lead while LMQ struggled to wave clear.  YG continued to clear wards with oracles as well as light up the entire map, preventing them from any throws and securing the victory against LMQ to end the day.

VOD (click for full-screen)




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