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StarCraft20 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Legionnaire vs iD.Twisted

[s]event[/s]The fifth round of Vexibition has been played, this time the winner from last round, Legionnaire from the korean pro-gaming team POS (Pirets of Space), faced iD.Twisted.

iD.Twisted Australia POS_Leg Gaema Gowon1-Here
Australia POS_Leg iD.Twisted Guillotine1-Here
Australia POS_Leg iD.Twisted JR Memory2-Here
Australia POS_Leg iD.Twisted Nostalgia3-Here
Australia POS_Leg iD.Twisted Lost Temple4-Here

Winner: Legionnaire with 4-1

Here is a battle report from the first game. To read the full battle report go to by click on the link below.

"Game 1: iD.Twisted > Legionnaire @ Gaema Gowon
Twisted started at 8 opening with a ramp hatch, pool and then his expansion, vs Leg at 2 o'clock opening with 2 gate. Leg hides his first zealot bellow twisted main before the drone going to make the expansion came out, making some time and then going for the drones. Twisted with the lings far away, managed to dizzy the drone around with stop drones, and o­nly lost o­ne. Meanwhile leg's going for a templar build and then gettin his expansion, while twisted powered up and went for lurker, drops and his 3rd. Five of leg's zealots go for a check to see if they can do any damage, but lurkers are morphing in the natural ramp. Twisted moves forward with 2 lurkers to leg's expansion, lost o­ne and the other struggled through the just about to morph cannons and the zealots/archon, delaying leg's probes from mining in the expansion.... "

Links - Read all battle reports here.

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