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Now that most people have expressed their thoughts about today's teaser, let's talk about what

It's probably better if I didn't think about this and just wait for the PTR patch notes and not be disappointed (no expectations are the best expectations) buuuut,

Besides some balance changes to some heroes, and probably another update on the Call of the Nexus anomaly, what else do you guys think will be in the patch?

Battleground updates??

More statistics being revealed and new interfaces for people to see their stats, per hero, maybe even per map (even better, hero specific stats would be cool)??

What new cosmetics do you guys expect? Very likely snow/ice themed I'd be surprised if they aren't.

Maybe we'll get that Lv100+ mastery ring that was shown off however long ago.

All in all, while some of us mei not be liking today's teaser, let's at least put our hands together and pray to rehgod that tomorrows patch isn't just a new hero and some balance changes. (Though even if it was just that I'm still glad we are getting content at all lol)

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