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Murky Mains! Question About Builds... Discussion

Based on pick rates, a few threads I've read, and Fan's recommended build it would seem that the "standard" build ala split push would be 3222123 buuuuuut I just finished watching Jhow's video guide on Murky and he basically goes against much of this.


He says multiple times that you should not just be split pushing with murky and should instead always build him for teamfighting, that you don't need more waveclear, etc. So he doesn't take tufferfish, doesn't take slippery when wet, says fish tank is better than rejuvenating bubble and favors inky @ 20.


Which of these builds would be more effective more often than not for climbing around silver/gold SL? I understand as murky you don't want to be absent 100% of the time from teamfights, I still intend on octo-comboing people even with the 'split push' build but Jhow seems to say that its just not good enough for teamfighting and that you need strong teamfight on murky to be effective.

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