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Fixing over 100 issues or inconsistencies with the game[Custom Try Mode]

Started on this like a week ago? There's a lot of stuff here, some of the issues resolved are new, some are way older, and most have been reported in one way or another to Blizzard by me, or others.

  • Tracer
    Fixed an issue where Heavy Handed would apply the armor reduction prior to the damage being dealt by Melee and Get Stuffed

  • Abathur
    Fixed an issue where Evolve Monstrosity would deal up to 0.8 additional damage with its attacks

  • Chen
    Fixed an issue where Earth's attacks would deal Ability damage

  • Azmodan
    Fixed an issue where Black Pool would apply the armor reduction prior to the damage being dealt by Black Pool
    Fixed an issue where Pride would grant an additional 25 damage when the Globe of Annihilation was empowered by Tide of Sin

  • Sylvanas
    Fixed an issue where Cold Embrace would apply the armor reduction prior to the damage being dealt to the primary target of Shadow Dagger

  • Qhira
    Fixed an issue where Lingering Ailment would apply the armor reduction prior to the damage being dealt to the targets hit by the Revolving Sweep Chain
    Fixed an issue where Finishing Touch would apply the bonus attack speed after the damage being dealt

  • Tassadar
    Fixed several issues where Feedback would apply the armor reduction prior to the damage being dealt
    Fixed an issue where Khaydarin Amulet had a multiplicative damage malus
    Fixed an issue where Executor's Will would not increase healing dealt by Tassadar
    Fixed an issue where Black Hole could deal its damage to an enemy twice

  • Stitches
    Fixed two issues where Lacerate would apply the armor reduction prior to the damage being dealt

  • Whitemane
    Fixed an issue where Purge the Wicked would apply the armor reduction prior to the initial damage being dealt, and after the behavior is applied

  • Nova
    Fixed an issue where Anti Armor Shells would apply the armor reduction prior to the damage being dealt

  • Probius
    Fixed an issue where Rift Shock had a multiplicative damage bonus
    Fixed an issue where Construct Additional Pylon would grant an additional 4 damage to Pylon attacks
    Fixed an issue where Quantum Entanglement would not slow the target by 25%
    Fixed an issue where Power Overflowing would not increase healing dealt by Probius

  • Li Li
    Fixed an issue where Mistweaver would heal Li Li for an additional 16 health
    Fixed an issue where Surging Wind would increase Li Li's healing by a larger than intended amount

  • Medivh
    Fixed an issue where Force of Magic would not increase healing dealt by Medivh
    Fixed an issue where Guardian of Tirisfal would not increase the MinionDamage score

  • Nazeebo
    Fixed an issue where Thing of the Deep would not increase healing dealt by Nazeebo
    Fixed an issue where Soul Harvest would not increase healing dealt by Nazeebo

  • Greymane
    Fixed an issue where Worgen Form had a multiplicative damage bonus

  • Valeera
    Fixed an issue where Assassinate had a multiplicative damage bonus

  • Orphea
    Fixed an issue where Overflowing Chaos had a multiplicative damage bonus(this did not stack with the bonus increase from Chaotic Assault, but did with the bonus to Determination)
    Fixed an issue where Chaotic Assault had a multiplicative damage bonus(See Overflowing Chaos)
    Increased the damage bonus from Determination to 30% if the attack consumed Chaos(from 15%)

  • Li-Ming
    Fixed an issue where Charged Blast would gain a multiplicative damage bonus from Tal Rasha's Elements
    Fixed an issue where Power Hungry would not increase the healing dealt by Li-Ming
    Fixed an issue where Glass Cannon would not increase the healing dealt by Li-Ming

  • Rexxar
    Fixed an issue where Dire Beast had a multiplicative damage bonus

  • D.Va
    Fixed an issue where Hit the Nitrous had a multiplicative damage bonus
    Fixed an issue where Pew, Pew, Pew! had a multiplicative damage malus

  • Muradin
    Fixed an issue where Thunderstrike had a multiplicative damage bonus(would deal 144 from Thunderburn, 288 with itself, this is a buff)
    Fixed an issue where Thunderburn had a multiplicative damage malus(would deal 48 by itself, 144 with Thunderstrike, this is a buff, mostly with Thunderstrike)

  • Kerrigan
    Fixed an issue where the Ultralisk splash had a multiplicative damage malus
    Fixed an issue where Assimilation would increase the SelfHealing score when it provides shields, rather than only when those shields prevent damage

  • E.T.C.
    Fixed an issue where Pinbal Wizard had a multiplicative damage bonus

  • The Lost Vikings
    Fixed an issue where Baelog's splash attacks had a multiplicative damage malus

  • Ragnaros
    Fixed an issue where Tempered flame would increase the SelfHealing score when it provides shields, rather than only when those shields prevent damage
    Fixed an issue where Sulfuras Smash would have an increasd cooldown when used in Molten Core

  • Sgt. Hammer
    Fixed an issue where Siege Mode Splash Damage had a multiplicative damage malus(tooltips have been updated to balance this out for applicable talents)
    Fixed an issue where Advanced Lava Strike had a multiplicative damage bonus

  • Garrosh
    Fixed an issue where Unrivaled Strength had a multiplicative damage bonus

  • Varian
    Fixed an issue where Shattering Throw had a multiplicative damage bonus

  • Lunara
    Fixed an issue where Choking Pollen had a multiplicative damage bonus

  • Rexxar
    Fixed an issue where Kill Command had a multiplicative damage bonus

  • Maiev
    Fixed an issue where Bonds of Justice would cease tracking on the talent scoreboard

  • Illidan
    Fixed an issue where Unending Hatred would cease tracking on the talent scoreboard

  • Samuro
    Fixed an issue where Way of the Blade would apply the armor reduction prior to the damage being dealt
    Fixed an issue where Crushing Blows would apply the stacking damage increase prior to the damage being dealt
    Fixed an issue where Harsh Winds would apply the damage increase prior to the damage being dealt
    Fixed an issue where Dance of Death had a multiplicative damage malus
    Fixed an issue where Harsh Winds had a multiplicative damage bonus
    Fixed an issue where Samuro could queue Illusion Master while activating his Hearthstone to receive the heal from base without actually returning to base
    Increased the damage bonus from Harsh Winds from 30% to 40%
    Fixed an issue where the bonus movespeed from Wind Walk would be activated by any cloak Samuro gains
    Fixed an issue where Samuro could queue commands to spawn his Mirror Images in his location, and then teleport to the location of a then-removed Mirror Image
    Fixed an issue where Way of the Wind would increase the Healing score, rather than SelfHealing

  • Cho
    Fixed an issue where Cho's radius would be increased after using Surging Fist
    Fixed an issue where the initial damage by Consuming Blaze would not refresh the damage timer of enemies damaged
    Fixed an issue where Will of Cho would not be tracked on the talent scoreboard

  • Gall
    Fixed an issue where Will of Gall would not be tracked on the talent scoreboard

  • Jaina
    Improved the efficiency of Ice Barrier's Shield Application

  • Auriel
    Improved the efficiency of Shield of Hope Shield Application
    Fixed an issue where Reservoir of Hope would not be tracked on the talent scoreboard

  • Deckard
    Super Healing Potion now applies to currently active Potions after the prerequisite delay
    Potion of Revival now heals the surrounding allies for a percentage of the amount healed by the initial target

  • Rehgar
    Improved the efficiency of Farseer's Blessing Healing

  • Alexstrasza
    Improved the efficiency of Overprotective's Shield Application
    Fixed an issue where Abundance heal preview would persist beyond the heal applying
    Fixed an issue where Cleansing Flame would have a reduced cooldown when used in Dragonqueen form

  • Leoric
    Fixed an issue where Drain Hope, Drain Essence and March of the Black King would remain attached to heroes in transports

  • Cassia
    Fixed an issue where Static Electricity Bolts damage would be dealt by Lightning Fury Bolts(purely visual issue)

  • Mal'Ganis
    Fixed an issue where Dark Conversion would not deal percentage damage over time
    Fixed an issue where Wrath of Nathreza would not deal percentage damage over time

  • Murky
    Fixed an issue where Wrath of Cod would not deal percentage damage over time
    Fixed an issue where Time to Krill would not gain the bonus leech from Fish Tank(previously required the hero you are attacking to have Fish Tank)

  • The Butcher
    Fixed an issue where Cleaver would not heal Butcher for a percentage of the damage dealt by Cleaver if the cleaved target has Butcher's Brand on them

  • Gul'dan
    Fixed an issue where Hunger for Power would not properly increase Gul'dan's Healing to himself

  • Raynor
    Fixed an issue where Raynor's splash attacks would not increase his score values

  • Hanzo
    Fixed two issues where Sharpened Arrowheads would apply the armor reduction prior to the damage being dealt

  • Falstad
    Fixed an issue where Wingman had a multiplicative damage bonus
    Fixed an issue where Thunderstrikes had a multiplicative damage bonus
    Fixed an issue where Wingman would not be tracked on the talent scoreboard

  • Chromie
    Fixed an issue where Shifting Sands would not increase the healing dealt by Chromie
    Fixed an issue where Timewalker's Pursuit would not increase the healing dealt by Chromie
    Fixed an issue where Quantum Overdrive would not increase the healing dealt by Chromie

  • Kael'thas
    Fixed an issue where Fel Infusion would not increase the healing dealt by Kael'thas
    Fixed an issue where Sunfire Enchantment would not increase the healing dealt by Kael'thas

  • Kel'Thuzad
    Fixed an issue where Master of the Cold Dark would not increase the healing dealt by Kel'Thuzad
    Fixed an issue where Power of Icecrown would not increase the healing dealt by Kel'Thuzad

  • Anub'arak
    Fixed an issue where Leeching Scarabs would not heal for a percentage of the damage dealt

  • Blaze
    Fixed an issue where Heat Treatment would not heal for a percentage of the damage dealt
    Fixed an issue where Suppressive Fire would not reduce the healing dealt

  • Gazlowe
    Fixed an issue where Extra TNT had a multiplicative damage bonus
    Fixed an issue where Deth Lazor had a multiplicative damage bonus
    Fixed an issue where Miniature Black Hole had a multiplicative damage bonus

  • Tychus
    Fixed an issue where Focusing Diodes had a multiplicative damage bonus

  • Arthas
    Fixed an issue where Embrace Death had a multiplicative damage bonus
    Fixed an issue where Biting Cold had a multiplicative damage bonus

  • Genji
    Added a damage preview to Strike at the Heart
    Fixed an issue where Deflect would not properly incresae the SelfHealing score

  • Zeratul
    Added a damage preview to Singularity Spike
    Added a damage preview to Might of the Nerazim Singularity Spike

  • Hellbat & Gnoll Mercenary
    Fixed two issues where the armor reduction would be applied prior to the damage being dealt

Updated numerous tooltips to more clearly demonstrate their multiplicative vs additive damage bonuses

Here's the XML for these changes, and here is the new strings to update the tooltips of numerous abilities, to prevent overlap with existing things, you also need to remove the Jaina trigger info, which is located on lines 11038 to 11050 in gamedatahelper, otherwise Jaina's Ice Barrier will bug out something weird like. To also properly fix Samuro's D>Q trick, Samuro's library needs it added to libHSAM_gt_SamuroMirrorImageSwap that it changes the CastIntroTime of SamuroMirrorImageTargeted back to 0, to keep responsiveness high, as that is changed in the data to 0.0625 to prevent the D>Q bug, which is only present for that one loop after swapping

I've not done too much testing with these changes(read: any), only really started this a day or so after the Tracer & Cassia rework patch, as this was pretty much entirely prompted by how screwed up Tracer's Heavy Handed is and how Hanzo's Sharpened Arrowheads screwed up in the Tassadar rework patch. There's still loads of bugs that I'm aware of that I'd like to see fixed, like all of the summon damage issues.

This post is mostly to highlight how many things are kind of screwed up and have been for a long time, like Lunara's [[Choking Pollen]] is completely stupid, because the initial bonus damage is multiplicative, but then the further 50% is additive, but it's also not 50%, but 25%. So if you use [[Debilitating Dart]] on a Lunara who then procs Choking Pollen, it'll deal 160 damage(320(-50%)), but if she has 3 stacks of her trait on the enemy(actually +6 duration, FYI), then it'll deal 240(320(-50%, +25%)), whereas if it were all additive, it'd instead deal 320(160(+100%, +50%, -50%)) or 240(160(+100%, -50%))

As to the "armor application order", to give an example of the impact this has, Nova's basic attacks deal a base damage of 105, and this is increased by 50% when Anti Armor shells is added in, meaning it will deal 262.5 damage assuming there are no other affects in play, but because the armor reduction is applying before the damage is occuring, the damage increase she actually sees is 301.875. The standard seen for armor reduction in most other cases is for the armor reduction to occur after the damage is dealt, and if there is a damage over time as part of it(such as the case for Shadow Dagger and Cold Embrace on Sylvanas), then the first instance of damage from the damage over time will not be affected by the armor, but every other instance of damage it deals is, including the last piece of damage.

Note that there are some heroes who are more adversely affected by these changes than others, like Samuro sees not one, but three talents that have a reduction in power from this(as well as most of the other bug fixes that have a negative effect on his power level), but a hero should not be balanced around their inconsistent behavior compared to others, and this can allow for healthier buffs to take place if necessary.

If you need any advice for how to implement these things yourself, feel free to ask. It's rather straight forward once you know what you are doing.

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