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Low ranked is horrible

tl;dr Played placement matches, got placed in silver and what happens is simply surreal.

How can I win a game if 90% of the matches end up with my team being overleveled by 3 or 4 levels and we simply get steamrolled. People have completely no idea what to do, getting into 1v3 team fights and that being 2 levels below the enemy team. Instead of focusing on soaking people go for the objective to get wiped 1 by 1 by the team of 5. Camps? Screw them, of course we don't need them. Get altars? Why would I want to do that? Let's chase this guy kiting us.

I am losing the will to play it. I started playing murky though, I see him as my best resource for getting out of silver because I can compensate the experience people don't soak and sometimes even manage to get the level advantage for my team, no matter how bad they play. Soaking exp in silver is like playing on cheats, the highest winrate I got is with murky.The problem with murky though is many people ban him because he is considered a troll pick by the champions of silver league.

Another problem are troll picks. Someone joins as healer/tank and goes ranged dps. Then the guy who joined as ranged dps goes like "I won't be playing anything else than ranged dps". So we end up with no tank or with no sup.

And so much hatred, oh my god, how much shit I am getting whenever I want to play murky.

I am feeling helpless. So much fun playing ranked.

I guess I needed to vent it somewhere. The worst thing in it all is the game is not rewarding, at least it doesn't feel like it is. Doesn't matter if I perform on top of my team or I play at my worst, the outcome is still the same.

I think what to blame here is the versus ai game mode. People learn there really horrible strategies/gameplay and join ranked right after, many people don't even know how to play heroes they choose. At least that's what it looks like. AI should get more attention, like in dota 2 where playing against ai is really challenging. In hots people learn nothing by playing against ai.

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