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Heroes8 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Jhow brings you an indepth look at competitive Guldan

You may have noticed a lot more Gul'dan in your Hero League games and that isn't just a coincidence. The warlock supreme has quickly risen in popularity since his latest buffs and Jhow,  alongside TalkingTrees, talks about how to get the most out of his kit.

Heroes is currently going through an changing meta. It was just months ago that Sgt. Hammer was the new hotness, and new Valla was considered "too weak". Rexxar is even considered by some a Tier 1 hero! What a time to be alive.

Which brings us to Gul'dan. His recent buffs have made him a serious threat and he even happens to be a pretty strong Samuro counter. His insane wave clear is extremely useful on Braxis Holdout and coupled with Malfurion his sustained damage and laning ability is pretty insane. If you haven't tried Gul'dan lately, I suggest you give him a try.

And what better way to get acquainted with your demonic side than a video guide? Sit back and listen to Jhow and TalkingTrees go over talent guides, positioning, and overall Gul'dan strategy.

If you liked this guide, give these two a shout out and check out more of Jhow's guides in the video's description

Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/jhow4444
Twitter: @JHowGaming
Twitter: @TalkingTreesy

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