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Heroes8 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Gale Force eSports vs. Naventic -- The series that Tracer won

The Illidan rivarly between the teams, the incredible Tracer maneuvers, and outstanding draft strategies made this series the most exciting of the tournament.

 Watch the VOD of the entire match 

Naventic and Galeforce eSports's rivarly makes for some incredible matches. Whether it's a battle for the title of "best Illidan NA" or the grudge match from the previous regional in LA, the personalities and player persona's seem just destined to clash.

And this weekend was no exception:

It was a slugfest in the playoffs and Tracer was the star of the show. Khroen was on another level and, in the words of Naventic's own support player, Kenma, it was impossible to avoid the Tracer pressure. Understandably, the next game Naventic banned Tracer and like clockwork, had the easiest win of their lives. Galeforce looked confused on the draft screen and the series was tied 2-2.

The last game is truly one of the best of the entire tournament. Udall on Illidan and Khroen on Tracer put on a real show and through a series of increasingly impressive manuevers, they carried their team to victory. Look out for Illidan's Devouring Maw dodge top lane that somehow turned into a late game team fight victory for Galeforce.

If you haven't seen this series, you are missing out.

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