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Heroes8 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Feats of strength highlight pre-season achievements

We all know Blizzard has access to tons of stats. To celebrate the end of the seemingly eternal pre-season, they have shown us some of the most interesting leaders. Is your name on this list?

The Full feats of strength

With categories like "Most hero league wins as Gazlowe", I was already excited to see Blizzard report such statistics. It's purely for bragging rights, but isn't that why most of us started playing video games in the first place?

Some of the awards are obvious: we all could have guessed that Kael'Thas was the most played assassin and Muradin was the most played warrior, but could we have guessed that Muradin was such a common last pick?

The post ends with Blizzard hinting at more feats of strength being recorded during the "first official season of ranked play". Now that players are aware of these awards, maybe we will see more Gazlow, Murky and the Butcher grinding the HL ranks.

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