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Heroes9 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Heroes of the Dorm Grand Finals details announced

Blizzard announced event details for it's Heroes of the Dorm Grand Finals on April 26th.

For those unaware, Heroes of the Dorm is Blizzard's sponsored Heroes of the Storm tournament. Modelled after the American College Basektball March Madness tournament, Heroes of the Dorm featured 64 college teams from across the country. Over the last two weeks that number has whittled down to the "Heroic Four": Boston College, Arizona State, Illinois-Urban, and Cal Berkeley. The Semi-finals and Grand Finals will both be at the Shrine Expo Hall in Los Angeles, CA.

Like many Blizzard events, there will be a large number of side attractions for participants. The expo will have a gaming set up to play Heroes of the Storm, a Blizzard developer signing area, an air brush tattoo parlor and a slow motion video capture booth. Attendees will also get a free Hearthstone cardback and an ingame Azmodan portrait.

The casting lineup is similarly star-studded. Famed SC2 duo "Tastosis" will be joined by War Craft III legend "Grubby" and "Day9" amoung others. Attendance is free but space is limited.

The only downside is the web cast is still limited to ESPN subscribers who can view the finals on ESPN3 and the WatchESPN application.

Full event details can be found here.

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