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StarCraft18 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Play.it back to SoL?


Today, it seems like the StarCraft section of Play.it might have suffered the same fate as their WC3 section. On WGTour, the name most know as Play.it has been changed to SoL.

Some might remember the famous team of Italy SoL who could easily be called one of the best teams in Europe at their prime. However, they later decided to join up with the Italy Play.it organization and the SoL name died off until now.

There's much talk going around whether the squad was released or they left on their own terms. All that we know is the name has been changed on » WGTour. We at GG.net will do our best to get an official statement from the teams managment about this possible change.

WGTour - Team SoL

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