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StarCraft18 years agoRaistlin

StarCraft survey by Izraphel


Izraphel has made a survey about StarCraft which he will use in a school project on the impact of games on today's youth.

One of our active members Croatia Izraphel has made an online survey where you are asked to answer questions about StarCraft and your ordniary life. This is for a school project. Results will be added on GosuGamers when it's over. Questions like "What do you see as the main reason that drives you to play Starcraft?" and "Do you think that playing this game affects your social life?" can be answered by choosing from multiple alternatives in 'radio buttons'
- It's a part of a project, a sociological study about the impact of games on todays youth, says Izraphel to GosuGamers. The site was made byCroatia nT.Storm, but the questions and project is Izraphel's. Answer them thruthfully!

Izraphel's Survey Site - StarCraft Survey

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