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Heroes8 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Feeling scared to come back? Some tips on returning to Heroes of the Storm!

Getting back into a multiplayer video game can be a daunting task. Whether it be an MMO, MOBA, or other type of game with constant real world interaction, taking time off will hinder you. Metas evolve. Characters get nerfed and buffed. Everyone else gets more experience. A lot of people will avoid playing games they love after breaks because of these reasons.

For me, this happened with Heroes. College finals, family trips, and holidays made it hard for me to play the game throughout November and December. After everything was finished, it was hard to me to get back into the game. I’m sure a lot of you have had the same situation over the past month! So how do you get back into it? Where’s the best place to start up again? I’ve got you covered; today, we’re going to go over how to both get into, or to get back into, Heroes of the Storm.

Tip #1: Join a community/communities and meet other people.

"Anyone wanna play a quick match? Or two? Or ten?"

The best way to gain knowledge and learn a game is to associate yourself with others that are knowledgeable about it. With Heroes being a community oriented game, this is especially true. Whether you be a returning player, a champion of another MOBA, or a complete newbie to the scene, there are plenty of wonderful people to meet and play with. My personal suggestion are the Heroes of the Storm Discord and Competitive Heroes Discord. (Here's an invite for General, and one for Competitive!) Both of these communities are extremely active, having both voice and text chat areas.

Piggybacking on that, if you encounter people in matches you play that you enjoyed playing with, feel free to add them after your match. While some will deny your request, you can often meet teammates and friends by doing this. I’ve met some of my favorite people to play with just by adding them after being matched with them.

Tip #2: Watch videos, tournaments, and streams.

"I wonder how high skill players play this hero. Let's find out!"

To actually learn the mechanics and the meta of the game, there’s no better place to start than YouTube and Twitch. You can find a plethora of informative videos and streams over the internet to educate you on Heroes. My personal favorites are the Official HotS Youtube, as well as informative streamers like Grubby and Khaldor. These sources are both entertaining and educational, helping you learn about the game with a smile on your face.

In addition, checking out tournament play is a great way to learn more about the game and its meta. Our eSports ticker here at GosuGamers will help inform you about all the pro tournament matches going on in the Heroes world, as well as video links, draft information, tournament statistics, and VODs. If amateur tournaments are more your fancy, I encourage you to check out Heroes_Hype’s amateur series every week at 5pm PST.

Tip #3: Play the game!

"What do we do now?" "What do you mean? Now we can finally play the game." "...oh yeah!"

This seems like a “well, duh!” point, but above all else, play the game! I was so focused in re-learning the meta and introducing myself to new people that I forgot why I was actually here; because I love playing Heroes of the Storm! Even if you’re not completely versed in what heroes are good, how to correctly play maps, or other minor things, it’s not a big deal. You will always learn more by actually playing matches. So queue up! You don’t have very much longer to claim those Winter Veil bonuses!

Hopefully these tips help you or your friends in jumping into Heroes. I’m still a little rusty after a long hiatus, but I’m quickly getting back on my feet! What kinds of tips do you have for those looking to get back into the game? Feel free to leave your feedback down below or with a private message. I’ll see you all back in the Nexus!

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